AVSResultClass in namespace MangoPay

Address Verification System result

AddressClass in namespace MangoPay

Class represents an address.

$ Address#AddressLine1Property in class Address

Address line 1.

$ Address#AddressLine2Property in class Address

Address line 2.

ApiBankAccountsClass in namespace MangoPay

Class to manage MangoPay API for bank accounts

ApiBankingAliasesClass in namespace MangoPay

Class to management MangoPay API for Banking Aliases

ApiCardPreAuthorizationsClass in namespace MangoPay

Class to management MangoPay API for pre-authorization process

ApiCardRegistrationsClass in namespace MangoPay

Class to management MangoPay API for card registrations

ApiCardsClass in namespace MangoPay

Class to management MangoPay API for cards

ApiClientsClass in namespace MangoPay

Class to management MangoPay API for users

ApiConversionsClass in namespace MangoPay

Class to management MangoPay API for instant conversions

ApiDepositsClass in namespace MangoPay

Class to management MangoPay API for users

ApiDisputeDocumentsClass in namespace MangoPay

Class ApiDisputeDocuments

ApiDisputesClass in namespace MangoPay

Class ApiDisputes

ApiEventsClass in namespace MangoPay

Class to management MangoPay API for cards

ApiHooksClass in namespace MangoPay

Class to management MangoPay API for hooks and notifications

ApiIdentityVerificationClass in namespace MangoPay

Class to management MangoPay API for Identity Verification Sessions

ApiKycDocumentsClass in namespace MangoPay

Class to management MangoPay API for KYC document list

ApiMandatesClass in namespace MangoPay

Class to management MangoPay API for mandates

ApiPayInsClass in namespace MangoPay

Class to management MangoPay API for pay-ins

ApiPayIns::AddPayPalTrackingInformation() — Method in class ApiPayIns
ApiPayOutsClass in namespace MangoPay

Class to management MangoPay API for pay-outs

ApiRefundsClass in namespace MangoPay

Class to management MangoPay API for refunds

ApiRegulatoryClass in namespace MangoPay

Class to management MangoPay API for regulatory endpoints

ApiReportsClass in namespace MangoPay

Class to management MangoPay API for reports

ApiRepudiationsClass in namespace MangoPay

Class to manage MangoPay API for Repudiations

ApiResponsesClass in namespace MangoPay

Class to management MangoPay API for responses See

ApiTransfersClass in namespace MangoPay

Class to management MangoPay API for transfers

ApiUboDeclarationsClass in namespace MangoPay

Manages API calls for the UBO declaration entity.

ApiUsersClass in namespace MangoPay

Class to manage MangoPay API calls for the user entity.

ApiVirtualAccountsClass in namespace MangoPay
ApiWalletsClass in namespace MangoPay

Class to management MangoPay API for wallets

$ BankAccount#ActiveProperty in class BankAccount
$ BankAccountDetailsCA#AccountNumberProperty in class BankAccountDetailsCA

Account number

$ BankAccountDetailsGB#AccountNumberProperty in class BankAccountDetailsGB

Account number

$ BankAccountDetailsOTHER#AccountNumberProperty in class BankAccountDetailsOTHER

Account number

$ BankAccountDetailsUS#AccountNumberProperty in class BankAccountDetailsUS

Account number

$ BankAccountDetailsUS#ABAProperty in class BankAccountDetailsUS
$ BankingAlias#ActiveProperty in class BankingAlias

Wether the banking alias is active or not

$ BankingAliasOTHER#AccountNumberProperty in class BankingAliasOTHER

Account Number

$ Billing#AddressProperty in class Billing

The billing address

$ BrowserInfo#AcceptHeaderProperty in class BrowserInfo
$ Card#AliasProperty in class Card
$ Card#ActiveProperty in class Card
$ CardPreAuthorization#AuthorIdProperty in class CardPreAuthorization

The user Id of the author of the pre-authorization

$ CardPreAuthorization#AuthorizationDateProperty in class CardPreAuthorization

The date when the payment was authorized

$ CardPreAuthorization#Applied3DSVersionProperty in class CardPreAuthorization
$ CardRegistration#AccessKeyProperty in class CardRegistration

Access key

$ CardValidation#AuthorIdProperty in class CardValidation

Author Id

$ CardValidation#Applied3DSVersionProperty in class CardValidation
$ CardValidation#AuthorizationDateProperty in class CardValidation

The date and time at which successful authorization occurred. If authorization failed, the value is null.

$ Client#AdminEmailsProperty in class Client

A list of email addresses to use when contacting you for admin/commercial issues/communications

$ Conversion#AuthorIdProperty in class Conversion

The unique identifier of the user at the source of the transaction.

$ CountryAuthorization#AuthorizationProperty in class CountryAuthorization

Information about the country’s restrictions.

$ CreateCardPreAuthorizedDepositPayIn#AuthorIdProperty in class CreateCardPreAuthorizedDepositPayIn
$ CreateDeposit#AuthorIdProperty in class CreateDeposit
$ CreateInstantConversion#AuthorIdProperty in class CreateInstantConversion

The unique identifier of the user at the source of the transaction.

$ CreateQuotedConversion#AuthorIdProperty in class CreateQuotedConversion

The unique identifier of the user at the source of the transaction.

$ DebitedBankAccount#AccountNumberProperty in class DebitedBankAccount

The Account Number

$ Deposit#AuthorIdProperty in class Deposit
$ Deposit#Applied3DSVersionProperty in class Deposit
$ FilterBankAccounts#ActiveProperty in class FilterBankAccounts

Active {true, false}

$ FilterBase#AfterDateProperty in class FilterBase

End date in unix format: return only records that have CreationDate AFTER this date

$ FilterCards#ActiveProperty in class FilterCards

Active {true, false}

$ FilterReports#AuthorIdProperty in class FilterReports

User ID

$ InternationalAccountDetails#AddressProperty in class InternationalAccountDetails

Information about the address associated with the international IBAN account.

$ InternationalAccountDetails#AccountProperty in class InternationalAccountDetails

The IBAN and BIC of the account.

ApiBaseClass in namespace MangoPay\Libraries

Base class for MangoPay API managers

ApiOAuthClass in namespace MangoPay\Libraries

Authentication manager

AuthenticationHelperClass in namespace MangoPay\Libraries
AuthorizationTokenManagerClass in namespace MangoPay\Libraries

Authorization token manager

$ OAuthToken#access_tokenProperty in class OAuthToken

Value of token

$ OAuthToken#autentication_keyProperty in class OAuthToken

Autentication key

RestTool::AddRequestHttpHeader() — Method in class RestTool
$ LocalAccount#AccountNumberProperty in class LocalAccount

The account number of the account

$ LocalAccountDetails#AddressProperty in class LocalAccountDetails

Information about the address associated with the local IBAN account.

$ LocalAccountDetails#AccountProperty in class LocalAccountDetails

Information about the address associated with the local IBAN account.

$ LocalAccountDetailsBankingAlias#AccountNumberProperty in class LocalAccountDetailsBankingAlias

BankingAlias GB AccountNumber

$ MangoPayApi#AuthenticationManagerProperty in class MangoPayApi

OAuth methods

$ Money#AmountProperty in class Money

The currency amount of money

$ PayInExecutionDetailsDirect#Applied3DSVersionProperty in class PayInExecutionDetailsDirect
$ PayInPaymentDetailsKlarna#AdditionalDataProperty in class PayInPaymentDetailsKlarna

Klarna custom data that you can add to this item

$ PayInRecurringRegistration#AuthorIdProperty in class PayInRecurringRegistration
$ PayInWebExtendedView#AliasProperty in class PayInWebExtendedView

A partially obfuscated version of the credit card number

$ PayOutEligibilityRequest#AuthorIdProperty in class PayOutEligibilityRequest

A user's ID

$ Repudiation#AuthorIdProperty in class Repudiation

The Id of the origin payin author

$ SecurityInfo#AVSResultProperty in class SecurityInfo

Result of the AVS verification

$ SettlementTransfer#AuthorIdProperty in class SettlementTransfer

The Id of the author of the original PayIn that was repudiated

$ Shipping#AddressProperty in class Shipping

The address.

$ ShippingAddress#AddressProperty in class ShippingAddress

The address.

Sorting::AddField() — Method in class Sorting

Add filed to sort

Sorting::AddFiled() — Method in class Sorting
$ Transaction#AuthorIdProperty in class Transaction

Author Id

$ Ubo#AddressProperty in class Ubo
$ UserBlockStatus#ActionCodeProperty in class UserBlockStatus
$ UserNatural#AddressProperty in class UserNatural

Address for user

$ VirtualAccount#ActiveProperty in class VirtualAccount

Whether the banking alias is active or not

$ VirtualAccount#AccountOwnerProperty in class VirtualAccount

The current Status of the Virtual Account Allowed values: COLLECTION, USER_OWNED

$ VirtualAccountAvailability#AvailableProperty in class VirtualAccountAvailability

Whether international bank wires can be made to this account


BankAccountClass in namespace MangoPay

Bank Account entity

BankAccountDetailsClass in namespace MangoPay

Marker interface for classes with details option in BankAccount entity

BankAccountDetailsCAClass in namespace MangoPay

Class represents CA bank account type for in BankAccount entity

$ BankAccountDetailsCA#BankNameProperty in class BankAccountDetailsCA

Bank name

$ BankAccountDetailsCA#BranchCodeProperty in class BankAccountDetailsCA

Branch code

BankAccountDetailsGBClass in namespace MangoPay

Class represents GB bank account type for in BankAccount entity

BankAccountDetailsIBANClass in namespace MangoPay

Class represents IBAN bank account type for in BankAccount entity

$ BankAccountDetailsIBAN#BICProperty in class BankAccountDetailsIBAN
BankAccountDetailsOTHERClass in namespace MangoPay

Class represents OTHER bank account type for in BankAccount entity

$ BankAccountDetailsOTHER#BICProperty in class BankAccountDetailsOTHER

Valid BIC format

BankAccountDetailsUSClass in namespace MangoPay

Class represents US bank account type for in BankAccount entity

BankingAliasClass in namespace MangoPay

Bank Account entity

BankingAliasIBANClass in namespace MangoPay

Bank Account entity

$ BankingAliasIBAN#BICProperty in class BankingAliasIBAN

The BIC of the banking alias

BankingAliasOTHERClass in namespace MangoPay
$ BankingAliasOTHER#BICProperty in class BankingAliasOTHER
BankingAliasTypeClass in namespace MangoPay

Event types

BillingClass in namespace MangoPay

Billing information

BirthplaceClass in namespace MangoPay
BrowserInfoClass in namespace MangoPay
BusinessTypeClass in namespace MangoPay

Business types

$ Card#BankCodeProperty in class Card

Bank code

$ CardInfo#BINProperty in class CardInfo

The 6-digit bank identification number (BIN) of the card issuer.

$ CardInfo#BrandProperty in class CardInfo

The card brand. Examples include: AMERICAN EXPRESS, DISCOVER, JCB, MASTERCARD, VISA, etc.

$ CardPreAuthorization#BillingProperty in class CardPreAuthorization

Billing information

$ CardPreAuthorization#BrowserInfoProperty in class CardPreAuthorization
$ CardValidation#BrowserInfoProperty in class CardValidation
$ Client#BillingEmailsProperty in class Client

A list of email addresses to use when contacting you for billing issues/communications

$ CountryAuthorizationData#BlockUserCreationProperty in class CountryAuthorizationData

Whether or not user creation is possible based on the user’s country of residence.

$ CountryAuthorizationData#BlockBankAccountCreationProperty in class CountryAuthorizationData

Whether or not bank account creation is possible based on the bank’s country of domiciliation.

$ CountryAuthorizationData#BlockPayoutProperty in class CountryAuthorizationData

Whether or not payout creation is possible based on the bank’s country of domiciliation.

$ CreateDeposit#BrowserInfoProperty in class CreateDeposit
$ CreateDeposit#BillingProperty in class CreateDeposit
$ DebitedBankAccount#BICProperty in class DebitedBankAccount
$ Deposit#BrowserInfoProperty in class Deposit
$ Deposit#BillingProperty in class Deposit
$ FilterBase#BeforeDateProperty in class FilterBase

Start date in unix format: return only records that have CreationDate BEFORE this date

$ InternationalAccount#BicProperty in class InternationalAccount
ApiBase::BuildRequestData() — Method in class ApiBase

Get array with request data

$ Configuration#BaseUrlProperty in class Configuration

Base URL to MangoPay API

$ HttpResponse#BodyProperty in class HttpResponse
$ Mandate#BankAccountIdProperty in class Mandate

The bank account ID to associate this mandate against

$ Mandate#BankReferenceProperty in class Mandate

The bank reference

$ MangoPayApi#BankingAliasesProperty in class MangoPayApi

Provides banking aliases methods

$ MangoPayApi#BankAccountsProperty in class MangoPayApi

Provides Bank Account methods

$ PayInExecutionDetailsDirect#BillingProperty in class PayInExecutionDetailsDirect

Billing information

$ PayInExecutionDetailsExternalInstruction#BankingAliasIdProperty in class PayInExecutionDetailsExternalInstruction

The ID of a banking alias.

$ PayInExecutionDetailsWeb#BillingProperty in class PayInExecutionDetailsWeb

Billing information

$ PayInPaymentDetailsBankWire#BankAccountProperty in class PayInPaymentDetailsBankWire

Bank account details

$ PayInPaymentDetailsCard#BrowserInfoProperty in class PayInPaymentDetailsCard
$ PayInPaymentDetailsCard#BicProperty in class PayInPaymentDetailsCard
$ PayInPaymentDetailsCard#BankNameProperty in class PayInPaymentDetailsCard
$ PayInPaymentDetailsGooglePay#BrowserInfoProperty in class PayInPaymentDetailsGooglePay

The IP address of the end user initiating the transaction, in IPV4 or IPV6 format.

$ PayInPaymentDetailsIdeal#BicProperty in class PayInPaymentDetailsIdeal

The BIC identifier of the end-user’s bank

$ PayInPaymentDetailsIdeal#BankNameProperty in class PayInPaymentDetailsIdeal

Name of the end-user’s bank

$ PayInPaymentDetailsPaypal#BuyerCountryProperty in class PayInPaymentDetailsPaypal
$ PayInPaymentDetailsPaypal#BuyerFirstnameProperty in class PayInPaymentDetailsPaypal
$ PayInPaymentDetailsPaypal#BuyerLastnameProperty in class PayInPaymentDetailsPaypal
$ PayInPaymentDetailsPaypal#BuyerPhoneProperty in class PayInPaymentDetailsPaypal
$ PayInRecurringRegistration#BillingProperty in class PayInRecurringRegistration
$ PayInRecurringRegistrationUpdate#BillingProperty in class PayInRecurringRegistrationUpdate
$ PayOutEligibilityRequest#BankAccountIdProperty in class PayOutEligibilityRequest

An ID of a Bank Account

$ PayOutEligibilityRequest#BankWireRefProperty in class PayOutEligibilityRequest

A custom reference you wish to appear on the user’s bank statement (your Client Name is already shown). We advise you not to add more than 12 characters.

$ PayOutPaymentDetailsBankWire#BankAccountIdProperty in class PayOutPaymentDetailsBankWire

Bank account Id

$ PayOutPaymentDetailsBankWire#BankWireRefProperty in class PayOutPaymentDetailsBankWire

A custom reference you wish to appear on the user’s bank statement

$ PaymentMethodMetadata#BinProperty in class PaymentMethodMetadata

The bank identification number (BIN). (Format: 6 or 8 digits)

$ PaymentMethodMetadata#BinDataProperty in class PaymentMethodMetadata

Additional data about the card based on the BIN. In the case of co-branded card products, two objects are returned.

$ PlatformCategorization#BusinessTypeProperty in class PlatformCategorization

Type of business conducted by the platform

$ RecurringPayInCIT#BrowserInfoProperty in class RecurringPayInCIT
$ Ubo#BirthdayProperty in class Ubo
$ Ubo#BirthplaceProperty in class Ubo
$ UserNatural#BirthdayProperty in class UserNatural

Date of birth

$ Wallet#BalanceProperty in class Wallet

Money in wallet


$ Address#CityProperty in class Address
$ Address#CountryProperty in class Address
Address::CanBeNull() — Method in class Address
ApiBankingAliases::Create() — Method in class ApiBankingAliases

Create a banking alias

ApiCardPreAuthorizations::Create() — Method in class ApiCardPreAuthorizations

Create new pre-authorization object

ApiCardRegistrations::Create() — Method in class ApiCardRegistrations

Create new card registration

ApiClients::CreateBankAccount() — Method in class ApiClients
ApiClients::CreatePayOut() — Method in class ApiClients
ApiConversions::CreateInstantConversion() — Method in class ApiConversions

This endpoint allows the platform to move funds between two wallets of different currencies instantaneously.

ApiConversions::CreateClientWalletsInstantConversion() — Method in class ApiConversions

This call triggers an immediate conversion at the market rate, of the debited funds to the credited wallet at the market rate.

ApiConversions::CreateQuotedConversion() — Method in class ApiConversions

This call triggers a conversion, at the rate guaranteed by its quote, of the debited funds to the credited wallet.

ApiConversions::CreateClientWalletsQuotedConversion() — Method in class ApiConversions

This call triggers a conversion at the rate defined in its quote.

ApiConversions::CreateConversionQuote() — Method in class ApiConversions

This call guarantees a conversion rate to let you Create a Quoted Conversion.

ApiDeposits::Create() — Method in class ApiDeposits

Create Deposit

ApiDeposits::Cancel() — Method in class ApiDeposits

Cancel Deposit

ApiDisputeDocuments::CreateDisputeDocumentConsult() — Method in class ApiDisputeDocuments

Creates temporary URLs where each page of a dispute document can be viewed.

ApiDisputes::ContestDispute() — Method in class ApiDisputes

Contests dispute

ApiDisputes::CloseDispute() — Method in class ApiDisputes

Close dispute

ApiDisputes::CreateSettlementTransfer() — Method in class ApiDisputes

Creates settlement transfer

ApiDisputes::CreateDisputeDocument() — Method in class ApiDisputes

Creates document for dispute

ApiDisputes::CreateDisputeDocumentPage() — Method in class ApiDisputes

Creates document's page for dispute

ApiDisputes::CreateDisputeDocumentPageFromFile() — Method in class ApiDisputes

Creates document's page for dispute from file

ApiHooks::Create() — Method in class ApiHooks

Create new hook

ApiIdentityVerification::Create() — Method in class ApiIdentityVerification

Create new IdentityVerification

ApiKycDocuments::CreateKycDocumentConsult() — Method in class ApiKycDocuments

Creates temporary URLs where each page of a KYC document can be viewed.

ApiMandates::Create() — Method in class ApiMandates

Create new mandate

ApiMandates::Cancel() — Method in class ApiMandates

Cancel mandate

ApiPayIns::Create() — Method in class ApiPayIns

Create new pay-in object

ApiPayIns::CreateRefund() — Method in class ApiPayIns

Create refund for pay-in object

ApiPayIns::CreateRecurringRegistration() — Method in class ApiPayIns

Create a recurring payment

ApiPayIns::CreateRecurringPayInRegistrationCIT() — Method in class ApiPayIns

Create a Recurring PayIn CIT

ApiPayIns::CreateRecurringPayInRegistrationMIT() — Method in class ApiPayIns

Create a Recurring PayIn MIT

ApiPayIns::CreateCardPreAuthorizedDepositPayIn() — Method in class ApiPayIns

Create Card PreAuthorized Deposit PayIn

ApiPayIns::CreatePayPal() — Method in class ApiPayIns

Create new PayPal Web pay-in object

ApiPayIns::CreateGooglePay() — Method in class ApiPayIns

Create new GooglePay Direct pay-in object

ApiPayOuts::Create() — Method in class ApiPayOuts

Create new pay-out

ApiPayOuts::CheckInstantPayoutEligibility() — Method in class ApiPayOuts

This method is used to check whether or not the destination bank is eligible for instant payout.

ApiReports::Create() — Method in class ApiReports

Creates new report request

ApiTransfers::Create() — Method in class ApiTransfers

Create new transfer

ApiTransfers::CreateRefund() — Method in class ApiTransfers

Create refund for transfer object

ApiUboDeclarations::Create() — Method in class ApiUboDeclarations

Creates a new UBO Declaration for an user.

ApiUboDeclarations::CreateUbo() — Method in class ApiUboDeclarations

Creates a new UBO for the specified arguments

ApiUsers::Create() — Method in class ApiUsers

Create a new user

ApiUsers::CreateBankAccount() — Method in class ApiUsers

Create bank account for user

ApiUsers::CreateKycDocument() — Method in class ApiUsers

Create new KYC document

ApiUsers::CreateKycPage() — Method in class ApiUsers

Create page for Kyc document

ApiUsers::CreateKycPageFromFile() — Method in class ApiUsers

Create page for Kyc document from file

ApiVirtualAccounts::Create() — Method in class ApiVirtualAccounts

Create new Virtual Account

ApiWallets::Create() — Method in class ApiWallets

Create new wallet

$ BankAccountDetailsOTHER#CountryProperty in class BankAccountDetailsOTHER

The Country associate to the BankAccount, ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format is expected

$ BankingAlias#CreditedUserIdProperty in class BankingAlias

The User ID who was credited

$ BankingAliasIBAN#CountryProperty in class BankingAliasIBAN

The country

$ BankingAliasOTHER#CountryProperty in class BankingAliasOTHER
$ Birthplace#CityProperty in class Birthplace
$ Birthplace#CountryProperty in class Birthplace
$ BrowserInfo#ColorDepthProperty in class BrowserInfo
CancelDepositClass in namespace MangoPay
CardClass in namespace MangoPay

Card entity

$ Card#CardProviderProperty in class Card
$ Card#CardTypeProperty in class Card

Card type

$ Card#CountryProperty in class Card
$ Card#CurrencyProperty in class Card
$ Card#CardHolderNameProperty in class Card

The cardholder’s name shown on the payment card.

CardInfoClass in namespace MangoPay
CardPreAuthorizationClass in namespace MangoPay

Pre-authorization entity

$ CardPreAuthorization#CardIdProperty in class CardPreAuthorization

The ID of the registered card (Got through CardRegistration object)

$ CardPreAuthorization#CardInfoProperty in class CardPreAuthorization

Information of the card

CardPreAuthorizationPaymentStatusClass in namespace MangoPay

Pre-authorization payment statuses

CardPreAuthorizationStatusClass in namespace MangoPay

Pre-authorization statuses

CardRegistrationClass in namespace MangoPay

CardRegistration entity

$ CardRegistration#CardTypeProperty in class CardRegistration
$ CardRegistration#CardRegistrationURLProperty in class CardRegistration

Card registration URL

$ CardRegistration#CardIdProperty in class CardRegistration

Card Id

$ CardRegistration#CurrencyProperty in class CardRegistration
$ CardRegistration#CardHolderNameProperty in class CardRegistration

The cardholder’s name shown on the payment card.

CardRegistrationStatusClass in namespace MangoPay

Card registration statuses

CardValidationClass in namespace MangoPay
$ CardValidation#CardInfoProperty in class CardValidation

Information of the card

CardValidationStatusClass in namespace MangoPay
CardValidityClass in namespace MangoPay
CheckClass in namespace MangoPay
$ Check#CheckIdProperty in class Check

The unique identifier of the verification check.

$ Check#CheckStatusProperty in class Check


$ Check#CreationDateProperty in class Check

The date and time at which the check was created.

CheckDataClass in namespace MangoPay
ClientClass in namespace MangoPay

Client entity

$ Client#ClientIdProperty in class Client

Client identifier

ClientLogoUploadClass in namespace MangoPay

Client logo upload entity

CompanyNumberClass in namespace MangoPay
$ CompanyNumber#CompanyNumberProperty in class CompanyNumber

Information about the registration number of a legal entity.

$ CompanyNumber#CountryCodeProperty in class CompanyNumber

The country of the registration of the legal entity, against which the company number format is validated.

CompanyNumberDetailsClass in namespace MangoPay
$ CompanyNumberDetails#CompanyNumberProperty in class CompanyNumberDetails

Company number details

ConversionClass in namespace MangoPay
$ Conversion#CreditedWalletIdProperty in class Conversion

The unique identifier of the credited wallet

$ Conversion#CreditedFundsProperty in class Conversion

The buy funds

$ Conversion#ConversionRateResponseProperty in class Conversion

Real time indicative market rate of a specific currency pair

ConversionQuoteClass in namespace MangoPay
$ ConversionQuote#CreditedFundsProperty in class ConversionQuote

Credited funds

$ ConversionQuote#ConversionRateResponseProperty in class ConversionQuote
ConversionRateClass in namespace MangoPay

Real time indicative market rate of a specific currency pair

$ ConversionRate#CreditedCurrencyProperty in class ConversionRate

The buy currency – the currency of the wallet to be credited.

$ ConversionRate#ClientRateProperty in class ConversionRate

The market rate plus Mangopay's commission, charged during the platform's billing cycle. This is an indicative rate.

CountryAuthorizationClass in namespace MangoPay

Repudiation entity

$ CountryAuthorization#CountryCodeProperty in class CountryAuthorization

The code of the country in the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format.

$ CountryAuthorization#CountryNameProperty in class CountryAuthorization

Name of the country

CountryAuthorizationDataClass in namespace MangoPay

Repudiation entity

CreateCardPreAuthorizedDepositPayInClass in namespace MangoPay
$ CreateCardPreAuthorizedDepositPayIn#CreditedWalletIdProperty in class CreateCardPreAuthorizedDepositPayIn
CreateClientWalletsInstantConversionClass in namespace MangoPay
$ CreateClientWalletsInstantConversion#CreditedWalletTypeProperty in class CreateClientWalletsInstantConversion

Allowed values: FEES, CREDIT

$ CreateClientWalletsInstantConversion#CreditedFundsProperty in class CreateClientWalletsInstantConversion

The buy funds

CreateClientWalletsQuotedConversionClass in namespace MangoPay

A conversion, at the rate guaranteed by its quote, of the debited funds to the credited wallet.

$ CreateClientWalletsQuotedConversion#CreditedWalletTypeProperty in class CreateClientWalletsQuotedConversion

Allowed values: FEES, CREDIT

CreateDepositClass in namespace MangoPay
$ CreateDeposit#CardIdProperty in class CreateDeposit
$ CreateDeposit#CultureProperty in class CreateDeposit
CreateInstantConversionClass in namespace MangoPay
$ CreateInstantConversion#CreditedWalletIdProperty in class CreateInstantConversion

The unique identifier of the credited wallet

$ CreateInstantConversion#CreditedFundsProperty in class CreateInstantConversion

The buy funds

CreateQuotedConversionClass in namespace MangoPay

A conversion, at the rate guaranteed by its quote, of the debited funds to the credited wallet.

$ CreateQuotedConversion#CreditedWalletIdProperty in class CreateQuotedConversion

The unique identifier of the credited wallet

CurrencyIsoClass in namespace MangoPay
$ DebitedBankAccount#CountryProperty in class DebitedBankAccount
$ Deposit#CardIdProperty in class Deposit
$ Deposit#CultureProperty in class Deposit
$ Deposit#CardInfoProperty in class Deposit

Information of the card

$ Dispute#ContestDeadlineDateProperty in class Dispute

The date by which you must submit docs if they wish to contest the dispute

$ Dispute#ContestedFundsProperty in class Dispute

Contested funds

$ Dispute#ClosedDateProperty in class Dispute

The date and time the dispute was closed

$ EMoney#CreditedEMoneyProperty in class EMoney

The amount of money that has been credited to this user

$ FallbackReason#CodeProperty in class FallbackReason
$ IdentityVerificationCheck#CreationDateProperty in class IdentityVerificationCheck

The date and time at which the session was created.

$ IdentityVerificationCheck#ChecksProperty in class IdentityVerificationCheck

The details of the individual verification checks performed during the session.

ApiBase::CreateObject() — Method in class ApiBase

Create object in API

ApiBase::CastResponseToError() — Method in class ApiBase

Cast response object to an error object

ApiBase::CastResponseToEntity() — Method in class ApiBase

Cast response object to entity object

ApiOAuth::CreateToken() — Method in class ApiOAuth

Get token information to OAuth Authentication

ConfigurationClass in namespace MangoPay\Libraries

Configuration settings

$ Configuration#ClientIdProperty in class Configuration

Client Id

$ Configuration#ClientPasswordProperty in class Configuration

Client password

$ Configuration#CertificatesFilePathProperty in class Configuration

Absolute path to file holding one or more certificates to verify the peer with.

$ Configuration#CurlConnectionTimeoutProperty in class Configuration

Set the cURL connection timeout limit (in seconds)

$ Configuration#CurlResponseTimeoutProperty in class Configuration

Set the cURL response timeout limit (in seconds)

$ EntityBase#CreationDateProperty in class EntityBase
$ OAuthToken#create_timeProperty in class OAuthToken

Created time

$ LineItem#CategoryProperty in class LineItem
$ Mandate#CultureProperty in class Mandate

The language to use for the confirmation web page presented to your user

$ MangoPayApi#ConfigProperty in class MangoPayApi

Configuration instance

$ MangoPayApi#ClientsProperty in class MangoPayApi

Clients methods

$ MangoPayApi#CardRegistrationsProperty in class MangoPayApi

Card registration methods

$ MangoPayApi#CardPreAuthorizationsProperty in class MangoPayApi

Pre-authorization methods

$ MangoPayApi#CardsProperty in class MangoPayApi

Card methods

$ MangoPayApi#ConversionsProperty in class MangoPayApi

Provides Instant conversion API methods

$ Money#CurrencyProperty in class Money

Text with currency code with ISO 4217 standard

$ PayIn#CreditedWalletIdProperty in class PayIn

Credited wallet Id

$ PayInExecutionDetailsDirect#CultureProperty in class PayInExecutionDetailsDirect

The language to use for the payment page - needs to be the ISO code of the language

$ PayInExecutionDetailsDirect#CardIdProperty in class PayInExecutionDetailsDirect

Card Id

$ PayInExecutionDetailsWeb#CultureProperty in class PayInExecutionDetailsWeb
$ PayInPaymentDetailsCard#CardTypeProperty in class PayInPaymentDetailsCard


$ PayInPaymentDetailsCard#CardIdProperty in class PayInPaymentDetailsCard
$ PayInPaymentDetailsCard#CardInfoProperty in class PayInPaymentDetailsCard

Information of the card

$ PayInPaymentDetailsDirectDebit#ChargeDateProperty in class PayInPaymentDetailsDirectDebit
$ PayInPaymentDetailsKlarna#CountryProperty in class PayInPaymentDetailsKlarna

The end-user residency country

$ PayInPaymentDetailsKlarna#CultureProperty in class PayInPaymentDetailsKlarna

The language in which the Klarna payment page is to be displayed - Alpha-2 format (default US)

$ PayInPaymentDetailsPayconiq#CountryProperty in class PayInPaymentDetailsPayconiq

The country of your user (should be BE, NL or LU)

$ PayInPaymentDetailsPaypal#CancelURLProperty in class PayInPaymentDetailsPaypal
$ PayInPaymentDetailsSatispay#CountryProperty in class PayInPaymentDetailsSatispay

The end-user country of residence

$ PayInRecurringRegistration#CardIdProperty in class PayInRecurringRegistration
$ PayInRecurringRegistration#CreditedUserIdProperty in class PayInRecurringRegistration
$ PayInRecurringRegistration#CreditedWalletIdProperty in class PayInRecurringRegistration
$ PayInRecurringRegistrationGet#CurrentStateProperty in class PayInRecurringRegistrationGet
$ PayInRecurringRegistrationRequestResponse#CycleNumberProperty in class PayInRecurringRegistrationRequestResponse
$ PayInRecurringRegistrationUpdate#CardIdProperty in class PayInRecurringRegistrationUpdate
$ PayInWebExtendedView#CardTypeProperty in class PayInWebExtendedView

The card type

$ PayInWebExtendedView#CountryProperty in class PayInWebExtendedView

Country of the address

$ PayPalWebTracking#CarrierProperty in class PayPalWebTracking

Quantity of item bought

$ RateLimit#CallsMadeProperty in class RateLimit
$ RateLimit#CallsRemainingProperty in class RateLimit
$ RecurringPayInCurrentState#CumulatedDebitedAmountProperty in class RecurringPayInCurrentState
$ RecurringPayInCurrentState#CumulatedFeesAmountProperty in class RecurringPayInCurrentState
$ Refund#CreditedWalletIdProperty in class Refund

Credited wallet Id

$ ReportRequest#CallbackURLProperty in class ReportRequest

Callback URL.

$ ReportRequest#ColumnsProperty in class ReportRequest

Allowed values: "Alias", "BankAccountId", "BankWireRef", "CardId", "CardType", "Country", "Culture", "Currency", "DeclaredDebitedFundsAmount", "DeclaredDebitedFundsCurrency", "DeclaredFeesAmount", "DeclaredFeesCurrency", "ExecutionType", "ExpirationDate", "PaymentType", "PreauthorizationId", "WireReference".

$ Repudiation#CreditedFundsProperty in class Repudiation

The amount of credited funds – since there are currently no fees, this will be equal to the DebitedFunds

$ Response#ContentLengthProperty in class Response

Content length

$ Response#ContentTypeProperty in class Response

Content type

$ Transaction#CreditedUserIdProperty in class Transaction

Credited user Id

$ Transaction#CreditedFundsProperty in class Transaction

Credited funds

$ Transaction#CreditedWalletIdProperty in class Transaction

Credited wallet Id

$ Transfer#CreditedWalletIdProperty in class Transfer

Credited wallet Id

$ UserLegal#CompanyNumberProperty in class UserLegal
$ UserNatural#CountryOfResidenceProperty in class UserNatural

Country of residence

$ UserNatural#CapacityProperty in class UserNatural

Capacity of the user within MangoPay Takes values from \MangoPay\NaturalUserCapacity

$ VirtualAccount#CreditedUserIdProperty in class VirtualAccount

The credited user ID

$ VirtualAccount#CountryProperty in class VirtualAccount

The country of the IBAN. The country must correspond to the currency of the wallet ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format is expected

$ VirtualAccount#CapabilitiesProperty in class VirtualAccount

The current Status of the Virtual Account

$ VirtualAccountAddress#CountrySubDivisionProperty in class VirtualAccountAddress
$ VirtualAccountAddress#CountryProperty in class VirtualAccountAddress
$ VirtualAccountAvailabilities#CollectionProperty in class VirtualAccountAvailabilities
  • @var VirtualAccountAvailability[]
$ VirtualAccountAvailability#CountryProperty in class VirtualAccountAvailability

ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format is expected

  • @var string
$ VirtualAccountAvailability#CurrenciesProperty in class VirtualAccountAvailability

List of currencies supported by the account

$ VirtualAccountCapabilities#CurrenciesProperty in class VirtualAccountCapabilities

List of currencies supported by the account

$ Wallet#CurrencyProperty in class Wallet

Currency code in ISO


ApiVirtualAccounts::Deactivate() — Method in class ApiVirtualAccounts
$ BankAccount#DetailsProperty in class BankAccount

One of BankAccountDetails implementations, depending on $Type

$ BankAccountDetailsUS#DepositAccountTypeProperty in class BankAccountDetailsUS

DepositAccountType { CHECKING, SAVINGS }

$ CardPreAuthorization#DebitedFundsProperty in class CardPreAuthorization

It represents the amount debited on the bank account of the Author.DebitedFunds = Fees + CreditedFunds (amount received on wallet)

$ Check#DataProperty in class Check

The data points collected and verified during the check.

$ Conversion#DebitedWalletIdProperty in class Conversion

The unique identifier of the debited wallet.

$ Conversion#DebitedFundsProperty in class Conversion

The sell funds

$ ConversionQuote#DurationProperty in class ConversionQuote

The time in seconds during which the quote is active and can be used for conversions.

$ ConversionQuote#DebitedFundsProperty in class ConversionQuote

Debited funds

$ ConversionRate#DebitedCurrencyProperty in class ConversionRate

The sell currency – the currency of the wallet to be debited.

$ CreateCardPreAuthorizedDepositPayIn#DebitedFundsProperty in class CreateCardPreAuthorizedDepositPayIn
$ CreateCardPreAuthorizedDepositPayIn#DepositIdProperty in class CreateCardPreAuthorizedDepositPayIn
$ CreateClientWalletsInstantConversion#DebitedWalletTypeProperty in class CreateClientWalletsInstantConversion

Allowed values: FEES, CREDIT

$ CreateClientWalletsInstantConversion#DebitedFundsProperty in class CreateClientWalletsInstantConversion

The sell funds

$ CreateClientWalletsQuotedConversion#DebitedWalletTypeProperty in class CreateClientWalletsQuotedConversion

Allowed values: FEES, CREDIT

$ CreateDeposit#DebitedFundsProperty in class CreateDeposit
$ CreateInstantConversion#DebitedWalletIdProperty in class CreateInstantConversion

The unique identifier of the debited wallet

$ CreateInstantConversion#DebitedFundsProperty in class CreateInstantConversion

The sell funds

$ CreateQuotedConversion#DebitedWalletIdProperty in class CreateQuotedConversion

The unique identifier of the debited wallet.

DebitedBankAccountClass in namespace MangoPay

Debited bank account object.

DeclaredUboClass in namespace MangoPay

Represents validation status of a user declared as UBO.

DeclaredUboStatusClass in namespace MangoPay

Holds enumeration of possible statuses of a declared UBO.

DepositClass in namespace MangoPay
$ Deposit#DebitedFundsProperty in class Deposit
DepositStatusClass in namespace MangoPay
DisputeClass in namespace MangoPay

Dispute entity

$ Dispute#DisputeTypeProperty in class Dispute

The type of dispute

$ Dispute#DisputeReasonProperty in class Dispute

Dispute's reason

$ Dispute#DisputedFundsProperty in class Dispute

Disputed funds

DisputeDocumentClass in namespace MangoPay

Dispute document entity

$ DisputeDocument#DisputeIdProperty in class DisputeDocument

The Dispute that this document belongs to

DisputeDocumentPageClass in namespace MangoPay

Dispute document page entity for dispute document

DisputeDocumentStatusClass in namespace MangoPay

Dispute document statuses

DisputeDocumentTypeClass in namespace MangoPay

Dispute document types

DisputeReasonClass in namespace MangoPay

Class represents dispute's reason

$ DisputeReason#DisputeReasonTypeProperty in class DisputeReason

Dispute's reason type

$ DisputeReason#DisputeReasonMessageProperty in class DisputeReason

Dispute's reason message

DisputeReasonTypeClass in namespace MangoPay

Dispute reason types

DisputeStatusClass in namespace MangoPay

Dispute statuses

DisputeTypeClass in namespace MangoPay

Dispute types

DocumentPageConsultClass in namespace MangoPay

Holds document page viewing data.

$ EMoney#DebitedEMoneyProperty in class EMoney

The amount of money that has been debited from the user

$ Event#DateProperty in class Event

Date of event

$ FilterDisputes#DisputeTypeProperty in class FilterDisputes
$ Configuration#DebugModeProperty in class Configuration

[INTERNAL USAGE ONLY] Switch debug mode: log all request and response data

DefaultStorageStrategyClass in namespace MangoPay\Libraries

Default storage strategy implementation.

DocumentClass in namespace MangoPay\Libraries

Abstract class for all documents

DtoClass in namespace MangoPay\Libraries

Abstract class for all DTOs (entities and their composites)

$ Error#DateProperty in class Error

The timestamp of this API response

Logs::Debug() — Method in class Logs
$ LineItem#DescriptionProperty in class LineItem

A consistent and unique reference for the seller. It can be:

  • The user ID created on MANGOPAY for the seller
  • Or the firstname and lastname of the seller
$ Mandate#DocumentURLProperty in class Mandate

The URL to view/download the mandate document

$ MangoPayApi#DisputesProperty in class MangoPayApi

Provides disputes methods

$ MangoPayApi#DisputeDocumentsProperty in class MangoPayApi

Provides dispute documents methods

$ MangoPayApi#DepositsProperty in class MangoPayApi

Provides Deposit methods

$ PayInExecutionDetailsExternalInstruction#DebitedBankAccountProperty in class PayInExecutionDetailsExternalInstruction

Information about the account that was debited.

$ PayInPaymentDetailsBancontact#DeepLinkURLProperty in class PayInPaymentDetailsBancontact

The URL where you should redirect your client in a mobile app experience

$ PayInPaymentDetailsBankWire#DeclaredDebitedFundsProperty in class PayInPaymentDetailsBankWire

Declared debited funds

$ PayInPaymentDetailsBankWire#DeclaredFeesProperty in class PayInPaymentDetailsBankWire

Declared fees

$ PayInPaymentDetailsDirectDebit#DirectDebitTypeProperty in class PayInPaymentDetailsDirectDebit

Direct debit type {SOFORT, ELV, GIROPAY}

$ PayInPaymentDetailsPayconiq#DebitedWalletIdProperty in class PayInPaymentDetailsPayconiq
$ PayInPaymentDetailsPayconiq#DeepLinkURLProperty in class PayInPaymentDetailsPayconiq
$ PayInPaymentDetailsSwish#DeepLinkURLProperty in class PayInPaymentDetailsSwish

The mobile URL to which to redirect the user to complete the payment in an app-to-app flow.

$ PayOut#DebitedWalletIdProperty in class PayOut

Debited wallet Id

$ PayOutEligibilityRequest#DebitedFundsProperty in class PayOutEligibilityRequest

Information about the funds that are being debited

$ PayOutEligibilityRequest#DebitedWalletIdProperty in class PayOutEligibilityRequest

The ID of the wallet that was debited

$ RecurringPayInCIT#DebitedFundsProperty in class RecurringPayInCIT
$ RecurringPayInMIT#DebitedFundsProperty in class RecurringPayInMIT
$ Refund#DebitedWalletIdProperty in class Refund

Debited wallet Id

$ ReportRequest#DownloadFormatProperty in class ReportRequest

Download file format.

$ ReportRequest#DownloadURLProperty in class ReportRequest

Download URL.

$ Repudiation#DebitedFundsProperty in class Repudiation

The funds repudiated from the wallet

$ Repudiation#DebitedWalletIdProperty in class Repudiation

The wallet from where the repudiation was taken

$ Repudiation#DisputeIdProperty in class Repudiation

The Id of the dispute to which this repudation corresponds.

$ Response#DateProperty in class Response
$ SettlementTransfer#DebitedFundsProperty in class SettlementTransfer

The funds debited from the debited wallet

$ Transaction#DebitedFundsProperty in class Transaction

Debited funds

$ Transaction#DebitedWalletIdProperty in class Transaction

Debited wallet Id

$ Transfer#DebitedWalletIdProperty in class Transfer

Debited wallet Id

$ Wallet#DescriptionProperty in class Wallet

Wallet description


$ Card#ExpirationDateProperty in class Card

Expiration date

$ CardPreAuthorization#ExecutionTypeProperty in class CardPreAuthorization

How the PreAuthorization has been executed.

$ CardPreAuthorization#ExpirationDateProperty in class CardPreAuthorization

The date when the payment is processed

$ Conversion#ExecutionDateProperty in class Conversion

The date and time at which the status changed to SUCCEEDED, indicating that the transaction occurred.

$ ConversionQuote#ExpirationDateProperty in class ConversionQuote

Expiration date

$ Deposit#ExpirationDateProperty in class Deposit
$ Deposit#ExecutionTypeProperty in class Deposit
$ DocumentPageConsult#ExpirationDateProperty in class DocumentPageConsult

Time in millis when the page consult will expire.

EMoneyClass in namespace MangoPay

User entity

EventClass in namespace MangoPay

Event entity

$ Event#EventTypeProperty in class Event

Event type

EventTypeClass in namespace MangoPay

Event types

$ FilterEvents#EventTypeProperty in class FilterEvents

Event type

$ Hook#EventTypeProperty in class Hook
ApiBase::ExecutePostRequest() — Method in class ApiBase

Executes a POST request

EntityBaseClass in namespace MangoPay\Libraries

Abstract class with common properties

ErrorClass in namespace MangoPay\Libraries

Class represents error object

$ Error#ErrorsProperty in class Error

Array with errors information

ExceptionClass in namespace MangoPay\Libraries
$ OAuthToken#expires_inProperty in class OAuthToken

Expires time for the token

$ Mandate#ExecutionTypeProperty in class Mandate

How the mandate has been created: WEB

$ MangoPayApi#EventsProperty in class MangoPayApi

Events methods

$ PayIn#ExecutionTypeProperty in class PayIn


$ PayIn#ExecutionDetailsProperty in class PayIn

One of PayInExecutionDetails implementations, depending on $ExecutionType

$ PayInPaymentDetailsKlarna#EmailProperty in class PayInPaymentDetailsKlarna

The end-user email address

$ PayInPaymentDetailsPayconiq#ExpirationDateProperty in class PayInPaymentDetailsPayconiq
$ PayInRecurringRegistration#EndDateProperty in class PayInRecurringRegistration
$ PayInWebExtendedView#ExecutionTypeProperty in class PayInWebExtendedView


$ PayInWebExtendedView#ExpirationDateProperty in class PayInWebExtendedView

The expiry date of the credit card (MMYY)

$ Repudiation#ExecutionDateProperty in class Repudiation

The execution date of the repudiation

$ Transaction#ExecutionDateProperty in class Transaction

Execution date

$ User#EmailProperty in class User

Email address


$ Billing#FirstNameProperty in class Billing

The First Name for Billing Address

$ Card#FingerprintProperty in class Card

Card's fingerprint hash, unique per 16-digit card number

$ Client#FraudEmailsProperty in class Client

A list of email addresses to use when contacting you for fraud/compliance issues/communications

$ Conversion#FeesProperty in class Conversion

Information about the fees taken by the platform for this transaction (and hence transferred to the Fees Wallet).

$ CreateCardPreAuthorizedDepositPayIn#FeesProperty in class CreateCardPreAuthorizedDepositPayIn
$ CreateInstantConversion#FeesProperty in class CreateInstantConversion

Information about the fees taken by the platform for this transaction (and hence transferred to the Fees Wallet).

FallbackReasonClass in namespace MangoPay
FilterBankAccountsClass in namespace MangoPay

Filtering object for Bank Accounts

FilterBaseClass in namespace MangoPay

Base filter object

FilterCardsClass in namespace MangoPay

Filtering object for Cards

FilterDisputeDocumentsClass in namespace MangoPay

Filter for event list

FilterDisputesClass in namespace MangoPay

Filter for dispute list

FilterEventsClass in namespace MangoPay

Filter for event list

FilterKycDocumentsClass in namespace MangoPay

Filter for dispute document list

FilterPreAuthorizationsClass in namespace MangoPay

Filtering object for PreAuthorization lists

FilterRefundsClass in namespace MangoPay

Filtering object for Refunds

FilterReportsClass in namespace MangoPay

Filter for transaction list

FilterTransactionsClass in namespace MangoPay

Filter for transaction list

FundsTypeClass in namespace MangoPay

Funds types

$ KycDocument#FlagsProperty in class KycDocument

More information regarding why the document has been rejected.

$ Upload#FileProperty in class Upload

Image base64

$ PayInRecurringRegistration#FirstTransactionDebitedFundsProperty in class PayInRecurringRegistration
$ PayInRecurringRegistration#FirstTransactionFeesProperty in class PayInRecurringRegistration
$ PayInRecurringRegistration#FrequencyProperty in class PayInRecurringRegistration
$ PayInRecurringRegistration#FixedNextAmountProperty in class PayInRecurringRegistration
$ PayInRecurringRegistration#FractionedPaymentProperty in class PayInRecurringRegistration
$ PayInRecurringRegistration#FreeCyclesProperty in class PayInRecurringRegistration
$ PayInRecurringRegistrationRequestResponse#FreeCyclesProperty in class PayInRecurringRegistrationRequestResponse
$ PayInWebExtendedView#FingerprintProperty in class PayInWebExtendedView

Card's fingerprint hash, unique per 16-digit card number

$ PayOutEligibilityRequest#FeesProperty in class PayOutEligibilityRequest

Information about the fees that were taken by the client for this transaction (and were hence transferred to the Client's platform wallet)

$ PayOutPaymentDetailsBankWire#FallbackReasonProperty in class PayOutPaymentDetailsBankWire

The fallback reason.

$ RecurringPayInCIT#FeesProperty in class RecurringPayInCIT
$ RecurringPayInMIT#FeesProperty in class RecurringPayInMIT
$ ReportRequest#FiltersProperty in class ReportRequest

Filters for the report list.

$ Repudiation#FeesProperty in class Repudiation

The fees taken on the repudiation – will always be 0 at this stage

$ SettlementTransfer#FeesProperty in class SettlementTransfer

The amount you wish to charge for this settlement.

$ Shipping#FirstNameProperty in class Shipping

The First Name for Billing Address

$ Transaction#FeesProperty in class Transaction
$ Ubo#FirstNameProperty in class Ubo
$ UserNatural#FirstNameProperty in class UserNatural

First name for user


ApiBankAccounts::GetTransactions() — Method in class ApiBankAccounts

Retrieves a list of Transactions pertaining to a certain Bank Account

ApiBankingAliases::Get() — Method in class ApiBankingAliases

Get a banking alias

ApiBankingAliases::GetAll() — Method in class ApiBankingAliases

Get all banking aliases

ApiCardPreAuthorizations::Get() — Method in class ApiCardPreAuthorizations

Get pre-authorization object

ApiCardPreAuthorizations::GetTransactions() — Method in class ApiCardPreAuthorizations
ApiCardRegistrations::Get() — Method in class ApiCardRegistrations

Get card registration

ApiCards::Get() — Method in class ApiCards

Get card

ApiCards::GetByFingerprint() — Method in class ApiCards

Gets a list of cards having the same fingerprint.

ApiCards::GetPreAuthorizations() — Method in class ApiCards

Gets a Card's PreAuthorizations

ApiCards::GetTransactions() — Method in class ApiCards

Retrieves a list of Transactions pertaining to a certain Card

ApiCards::GetCardValidation() — Method in class ApiCards

Get card validation

ApiClients::Get() — Method in class ApiClients

Get client information

ApiClients::GetWallets() — Method in class ApiClients

View your client wallets. To see your fees or credit wallets for each currency set second $fundsType parameter.

ApiClients::GetWallet() — Method in class ApiClients

View one of your client wallets (fees or credit) with a particular currency.

ApiClients::GetWalletTransactions() — Method in class ApiClients

View the transactions linked to your client wallets (fees and credit)

ApiConversions::GetConversionRate() — Method in class ApiConversions

This endpoint allows the platform to get a real time indicative market rate of a specific currency pair.

ApiConversions::GetConversion() — Method in class ApiConversions

This endpoint allows the platform to get the details of a conversion which has been carried out.

ApiConversions::GetConversionQuote() — Method in class ApiConversions

This endpoint allows the platform to get the details of a quote

ApiDeposits::Get() — Method in class ApiDeposits

Get Deposit

ApiDisputeDocuments::Get() — Method in class ApiDisputeDocuments

Gets dispute's document

ApiDisputeDocuments::GetAll() — Method in class ApiDisputeDocuments

Gets dispute's documents for client

ApiDisputes::Get() — Method in class ApiDisputes

Gets dispute

ApiDisputes::GetAll() — Method in class ApiDisputes

Get all disputes

ApiDisputes::GetPendingSettlements() — Method in class ApiDisputes

List Disputes that need settling

ApiDisputes::GetTransactions() — Method in class ApiDisputes

Gets dispute's transactions

ApiDisputes::GetDisputesForWallet() — Method in class ApiDisputes

Gets dispute's documents for wallet

ApiDisputes::GetDisputesForUser() — Method in class ApiDisputes

Gets user's disputes

ApiDisputes::GetRepudiation() — Method in class ApiDisputes

Gets repudiation

ApiDisputes::GetSettlementTransfer() — Method in class ApiDisputes

Gets settlement transfer

ApiDisputes::GetDocumentsForDispute() — Method in class ApiDisputes

Gets documents for dispute

ApiEvents::GetAll() — Method in class ApiEvents

Get events

ApiHooks::Get() — Method in class ApiHooks

Get hook

ApiHooks::GetAll() — Method in class ApiHooks

Get all hooks

ApiIdentityVerification::Get() — Method in class ApiIdentityVerification

Get IdentityVerification

ApiIdentityVerification::GetChecks() — Method in class ApiIdentityVerification

Get IdentityVerificationCheck

ApiKycDocuments::GetAll() — Method in class ApiKycDocuments

Get all KYC documents

ApiKycDocuments::Get() — Method in class ApiKycDocuments

Get KYC document

ApiMandates::Get() — Method in class ApiMandates

Get mandate

ApiMandates::GetAll() — Method in class ApiMandates

Get all mandates

ApiMandates::GetTransactions() — Method in class ApiMandates

Retrieves list of Transactions pertaining to a certain Mandate

ApiPayIns::Get() — Method in class ApiPayIns

Get pay-in object

ApiPayIns::GetRecurringRegistration() — Method in class ApiPayIns

Get recurring payment

ApiPayIns::GetRefunds() — Method in class ApiPayIns

Retrieves a list of Refunds pertaining to a certain PayIn

ApiPayIns::GetExtendedCardView() — Method in class ApiPayIns

Retrieves a more detailed view of details concerning the card used to process a Web payment.

ApiPayIns::GetPaymentMethodMetadata() — Method in class ApiPayIns

Look up metadata from BIN or Google Pay token

ApiPayOuts::Get() — Method in class ApiPayOuts

Get pay-out object

ApiPayOuts::GetBankwire() — Method in class ApiPayOuts

Get bankwire pay-out object

ApiPayOuts::GetRefunds() — Method in class ApiPayOuts

Returns a list of Refunds pertaining to a certain PayOut.

ApiRefunds::Get() — Method in class ApiRefunds

Get refund object

ApiRegulatory::GetCountryAuthorizations() — Method in class ApiRegulatory

Get country authorizations by country code

ApiRegulatory::GetAllCountryAuthorizations() — Method in class ApiRegulatory

Get all countries authorizations

ApiReports::Get() — Method in class ApiReports

Gets report request.

ApiReports::GetAll() — Method in class ApiReports

Gets all report requests.

ApiRepudiations::Get() — Method in class ApiRepudiations
ApiRepudiations::GetRefunds() — Method in class ApiRepudiations

Retrieves a list of Refunds pertaining to a certain Repudiation

ApiResponses::Get() — Method in class ApiResponses

Get response from previous call by idempotency key

ApiTransfers::Get() — Method in class ApiTransfers

Get transfer

ApiTransfers::GetRefunds() — Method in class ApiTransfers

Retrieve list of Refunds pertaining to a certain Transfer

ApiUboDeclarations::GetAll() — Method in class ApiUboDeclarations
ApiUboDeclarations::Get() — Method in class ApiUboDeclarations

Gets an UBO Declaration.

ApiUboDeclarations::GetById() — Method in class ApiUboDeclarations

Gets an UBO Declaration directly by Id.

ApiUboDeclarations::GetUbo() — Method in class ApiUboDeclarations

Gets an UBO

ApiUboDeclarations::GetUboDeclarationById() — Method in class ApiUboDeclarations

Gets an UBO Declaration.

ApiUsers::GetAll() — Method in class ApiUsers

Get all users

ApiUsers::Get() — Method in class ApiUsers

Get natural or legal user by ID

ApiUsers::GetNatural() — Method in class ApiUsers

Get natural user by ID

ApiUsers::GetLegal() — Method in class ApiUsers

Get legal user by ID

ApiUsers::GetBankAccounts() — Method in class ApiUsers

Get all bank accounts for user

ApiUsers::GetBankAccount() — Method in class ApiUsers

Get bank account for user

ApiUsers::GetWallets() — Method in class ApiUsers

Get all wallets for user

ApiUsers::GetTransactions() — Method in class ApiUsers

Get all transactions for user

ApiUsers::GetCards() — Method in class ApiUsers

Get all cards for user

ApiUsers::GetKycDocuments() — Method in class ApiUsers

Get all KYC documents for user

ApiUsers::GetKycDocument() — Method in class ApiUsers

Get KYC document

ApiUsers::GetMandates() — Method in class ApiUsers

Get all mandates for user

ApiUsers::GetMandatesForBankAccount() — Method in class ApiUsers

Get mandates for user and bank account

ApiUsers::GetEMoney() — Method in class ApiUsers

Get user EMoney

ApiUsers::GetPreAuthorizations() — Method in class ApiUsers

Gets a list with PreAuthorizations belonging to a specific user

ApiUsers::GetBlockStatus() — Method in class ApiUsers

Get the Block Status of a User

ApiUsers::GetRegulatory() — Method in class ApiUsers

Get the Block Status Regulatory of a User

ApiVirtualAccounts::Get() — Method in class ApiVirtualAccounts
ApiVirtualAccounts::GetAll() — Method in class ApiVirtualAccounts
ApiVirtualAccounts::GetAvailabilities() — Method in class ApiVirtualAccounts
ApiWallets::Get() — Method in class ApiWallets

Get wallet

ApiWallets::GetTransactions() — Method in class ApiWallets

Get transactions for the wallet

BankAccount::GetSubObjects() — Method in class BankAccount

Get array with mapping which property is object and what type of object

BankAccount::GetDependsObjects() — Method in class BankAccount

Get array with mapping which property depends on other property

BankAccount::GetReadOnlyProperties() — Method in class BankAccount

Get array with read-only properties

Billing::GetSubObjects() — Method in class Billing

Get array with mapping which property is object and what type of object

CancelDeposit::GetSubObjects() — Method in class CancelDeposit

Get array with mapping which property is object and what type of object

CardPreAuthorization::GetSubObjects() — Method in class CardPreAuthorization

Get array with mapping which property is object and what type of object

CardPreAuthorization::GetReadOnlyProperties() — Method in class CardPreAuthorization

Get array with read-only properties

CardRegistration::GetReadOnlyProperties() — Method in class CardRegistration

Get array with read-only properties

CardValidation::GetSubObjects() — Method in class CardValidation

Get array with mapping which property is object and what type of object.

Client::GetSubObjects() — Method in class Client

Get array with mapping which property is object and what type of object

Client::GetReadOnlyProperties() — Method in class Client

Get array with read-only properties

CountryAuthorization::GetSubObjects() — Method in class CountryAuthorization

Get array with mapping which property is object and what type of object

CreateCardPreAuthorizedDepositPayIn::GetSubObjects() — Method in class CreateCardPreAuthorizedDepositPayIn

Get array with mapping which property is object and what type of object

CreateDeposit::GetSubObjects() — Method in class CreateDeposit

Get array with mapping which property is object and what type of object

Deposit::GetSubObjects() — Method in class Deposit

Get array with mapping which property is object and what type of object

Dispute::GetSubObjects() — Method in class Dispute

Get array with mapping which property is object and what type of object

Dispute::GetReadOnlyProperties() — Method in class Dispute

Get array with read-only properties

EMoney::GetSubObjects() — Method in class EMoney

Get array with mapping which property is object and what type of object

ApiBase::getLogger() — Method in class ApiBase
ApiBase::GetRequestUrl() — Method in class ApiBase

Get URL for REST Mango Pay API

ApiBase::GetRequestType() — Method in class ApiBase

Get request type for REST Mango Pay API

ApiBase::GetObject() — Method in class ApiBase

Get entity object from API

ApiBase::GetList() — Method in class ApiBase

Get lst with entities object from API

ApiBase::GetObjectForIdempotencyUrl() — Method in class ApiBase
AuthenticationHelper::GetHttpHeaderKey() — Method in class AuthenticationHelper

Get HTTP header value with authorization string

AuthenticationHelper::GetHttpHeaderBasicKey() — Method in class AuthenticationHelper

Get basic key for HTTP header

AuthenticationHelper::GetAutenticationKey() — Method in class AuthenticationHelper
AuthorizationTokenManager::GetToken() — Method in class AuthorizationTokenManager

Gets the current authorization token.

DefaultStorageStrategy::Get() — Method in class DefaultStorageStrategy

Gets the current authorization token.

Document::GetReadOnlyProperties() — Method in class Document

Get array with read-only properties

Dto::GetSubObjects() — Method in class Dto

Get array with mapping which property is object and what type of object.

Dto::GetDependsObjects() — Method in class Dto

Get array with mapping which property depends on other property To be overridden in child class if has any dependent objects.

Dto::GetReadOnlyProperties() — Method in class Dto

Get array with read only properties - not used in response To be overridden in child class if has any read-only properties.

EntityBase::GetReadOnlyProperties() — Method in class EntityBase

Get array with read-only properties

IStorageStrategy::Get() — Method in class IStorageStrategy

Gets the current authorization token.

OAuthToken::GetAutenticationKey() — Method in class OAuthToken
ResponseException::GetErrorDetails() — Method in class ResponseException

Get Error object returned by REST API

ResponseException::GetErrorCode() — Method in class ResponseException

Get Error code returned by REST API

RestTool::GetRequestHeaders() — Method in class RestTool

Return HTTP header to send with request

RestTool::GetRequestType() — Method in class RestTool

Return HTTP request method

RestTool::GetRequestData() — Method in class RestTool

Return HTTP request data

RestTool::GetRequestUrl() — Method in class RestTool

Return HTTP request url

UrlTool::GetRestUrl() — Method in class UrlTool
UrlTool::GetFullUrl() — Method in class UrlTool
MangoPayApi::getLogger() — Method in class MangoPayApi
MangoPayApi::getConfig() — Method in class MangoPayApi
MangoPayApi::getHttpClient() — Method in class MangoPayApi
PayIn::GetDependsObjects() — Method in class PayIn

Get array with mapping which property depends on other property

PayIn::GetReadOnlyProperties() — Method in class PayIn

Get array with read-only properties

PayInExecutionDetailsDirect::GetSubObjects() — Method in class PayInExecutionDetailsDirect

Get array with mapping which property is object and what type of object.

PayInExecutionDetailsWeb::GetReadOnlyProperties() — Method in class PayInExecutionDetailsWeb

Get array with read-only properties

PayInExecutionDetailsWeb::GetSubObjects() — Method in class PayInExecutionDetailsWeb

Get array with mapping which property is object and what type of object

PayInPaymentDetailsApplePay::GetSubObjects() — Method in class PayInPaymentDetailsApplePay

Get array with mapping which property is object and what type of object.

PayInPaymentDetailsBankWire::GetSubObjects() — Method in class PayInPaymentDetailsBankWire

Get array with mapping which property is object and what type of object

PayInPaymentDetailsGooglePay::GetSubObjects() — Method in class PayInPaymentDetailsGooglePay

Get array with mapping which property is object and what type of object.

PayInPaymentDetailsKlarna::GetSubObjects() — Method in class PayInPaymentDetailsKlarna

Get array with mapping which property is object and what type of object.

PayInPaymentDetailsPaypal::GetSubObjects() — Method in class PayInPaymentDetailsPaypal

Get array with mapping which property is object and what type of object.

PayInRecurringRegistration::GetReadOnlyProperties() — Method in class PayInRecurringRegistration

Get array with read-only properties

PayOut::GetDependsObjects() — Method in class PayOut

Get array with mapping which property depends on other property

PayOut::GetReadOnlyProperties() — Method in class PayOut

Get array with read-only properties

Refund::GetSubObjects() — Method in class Refund

Get array with mapping which property is object and what type of object

ReportRequest::GetReadOnlyProperties() — Method in class ReportRequest

Get array with read-only properties

Repudiation::GetSubObjects() — Method in class Repudiation

Get array with mapping which property is object and what type of object

SettlementTransfer::GetSubObjects() — Method in class SettlementTransfer

Get array with mapping which property is object and what type of object

Shipping::GetSubObjects() — Method in class Shipping

Get array with mapping which property is object and what type of object

ShippingAddress::GetSubObjects() — Method in class ShippingAddress

Get array with mapping which property is object and what type of object.

Sorting::GetSortParameter() — Method in class Sorting

Get sort parametrs to URL

Transaction::GetSubObjects() — Method in class Transaction

Get array with mapping which property is object and what type of object

Transaction::GetReadOnlyProperties() — Method in class Transaction

Get array with read-only properties

Ubo::GetSubObjects() — Method in class Ubo

Get array with mapping which property is object and what type of object

UboDeclaration::GetReadOnlyProperties() — Method in class UboDeclaration

Get array with read-only properties

UboDeclaration::GetSubObjects() — Method in class UboDeclaration

Get array with mapping which property is object and what type of object.

User::GetReadOnlyProperties() — Method in class User

Get array with read-only properties

UserBlockStatus::GetSubObjects() — Method in class UserBlockStatus

Get array with mapping which property is object and what type of object

UserLegal::GetSubObjects() — Method in class UserLegal

Get array with mapping which property is object and what type of object

UserLegal::GetReadOnlyProperties() — Method in class UserLegal

Get array with read-only properties

UserNatural::GetSubObjects() — Method in class UserNatural

Get array with mapping which property is object and what type of object

UserNatural::GetReadOnlyProperties() — Method in class UserNatural

Get array with read-only properties

Wallet::GetSubObjects() — Method in class Wallet

Get array with mapping which property is object and what type of object

Wallet::GetReadOnlyProperties() — Method in class Wallet

Get array with read-only properties


$ Client#HeadquartersAddressProperty in class Client

The address of the company’s headquarters

$ Client#HeadquartersPhoneNumberProperty in class Client

The user's headquarter's phone number

HookClass in namespace MangoPay

Hooks and Notifications entity

HookStatusClass in namespace MangoPay
HookValidityClass in namespace MangoPay
$ IdentityVerification#HostedUrlProperty in class IdentityVerification

The URL to redirect the user to for the hosted identity verification session.

$ Configuration#HostProxyProperty in class Configuration

Set the proxy host

HttpBaseClass in namespace MangoPay\Libraries

Base class for Http Client

HttpCurlClass in namespace MangoPay\Libraries

Curl Http Client

HttpResponseClass in namespace MangoPay\Libraries

Base class for Http Client

$ HttpResponse#HeadersProperty in class HttpResponse
$ MangoPayApi#HooksProperty in class MangoPayApi

Hooks methods

$ MangoPayApi#httpClientProperty in class MangoPayApi
$ UserLegal#HeadquartersAddressProperty in class UserLegal


$ BankAccountDetailsCA#InstitutionNumberProperty in class BankAccountDetailsCA

Institution number

$ BankAccountDetailsIBAN#IBANProperty in class BankAccountDetailsIBAN

IBAN number

$ BankingAliasIBAN#IBANProperty in class BankingAliasIBAN

The IBAN of the banking alias

$ CardInfo#IssuingBankProperty in class CardInfo

The name of the card issuer.

$ CardInfo#IssuerCountryCodeProperty in class CardInfo

The country where the card was issued.

$ CardPreAuthorization#IpAddressProperty in class CardPreAuthorization
$ CardValidation#IpAddressProperty in class CardValidation

Ip Address

$ CompanyNumber#IsValidProperty in class CompanyNumber
$ CreateDeposit#IpAddressProperty in class CreateDeposit
$ DebitedBankAccount#IBANProperty in class DebitedBankAccount
$ Deposit#IpAddressProperty in class Deposit
$ Dispute#InitialTransactionIdProperty in class Dispute

Identifier of the transaction that was disputed

$ Dispute#InitialTransactionTypeProperty in class Dispute

The type of transaction that is disputed

IdentityVerificationClass in namespace MangoPay
IdentityVerificationCheckClass in namespace MangoPay
InstantPayoutClass in namespace MangoPay
$ InstantPayout#IsReachableProperty in class InstantPayout
InternationalAccountClass in namespace MangoPay
$ InternationalAccount#IbanProperty in class InternationalAccount
InternationalAccountDetailsClass in namespace MangoPay
$ EntityBase#IdProperty in class EntityBase
$ Error#IdProperty in class Error

An identifer for this API response

IStorageStrategyClass in namespace MangoPay\Libraries

Storage strategy interface.

OAuthToken::IsExpired() — Method in class OAuthToken

Check that current tokens are expire and return true if yes

$ MangoPayApi#IdentityVerificationsProperty in class MangoPayApi

Provides IdentityVerifications methods.

$ Pagination#ItemsPerPageProperty in class Pagination

Number of items per page

$ PayInPaymentDetailsCard#IpAddressProperty in class PayInPaymentDetailsCard
$ PayInPaymentDetailsGooglePay#IpAddressProperty in class PayInPaymentDetailsGooglePay

Information about the browser used by the end user (author) to perform the payment.

$ PayInRecurringRegistration#IdProperty in class PayInRecurringRegistration
$ PayInRecurringRegistrationUpdate#IdProperty in class PayInRecurringRegistrationUpdate

Recurring PayIn's id to update

$ PayInWebExtendedView#IdProperty in class PayInWebExtendedView

The PayIn's ID

$ PayOutEligibilityResponse#InstantPayoutProperty in class PayOutEligibilityResponse
$ PaymentMethodMetadata#IssuerCountryCodeProperty in class PaymentMethodMetadata

The country where the card was issued. Format: ISO-3166 alpha-2 two-letter country code

$ PaymentMethodMetadata#IssuingBankProperty in class PaymentMethodMetadata

The name of the card issuer.

$ RateLimit#IntervalMinutesProperty in class RateLimit
$ RecurringPayInCIT#IpAddressProperty in class RecurringPayInCIT
$ Refund#InitialTransactionIdProperty in class Refund

Initial transaction Id

$ Refund#InitialTransactionTypeProperty in class Refund

Initial transaction Type {PAYIN, PAYOUT, TRANSFER}

$ Repudiation#InitialTransactionIdProperty in class Repudiation

The Id of the transaction that was repudiated

$ Repudiation#InitialTransactionTypeProperty in class Repudiation

The initial transaction type

$ ScopeBlocked#InflowsProperty in class ScopeBlocked
$ Ubo#isActiveProperty in class Ubo
$ UserNatural#IncomeRangeProperty in class UserNatural
$ VirtualAccount#InternationalAccountDetailsProperty in class VirtualAccount

The current Status of the Virtual Account

$ VirtualAccountCapabilities#InternationalPayInAvailableProperty in class VirtualAccountCapabilities

Whether international bank wires can be made to this account


$ BrowserInfo#JavaEnabledProperty in class BrowserInfo
$ BrowserInfo#JavascriptEnabledProperty in class BrowserInfo


KeyValueArrayClass in namespace MangoPay

Class represents tabular values

$ KeyValueArray#KeyProperty in class KeyValueArray

Key for tabular variable

KycDocumentClass in namespace MangoPay

KYC document entity

KycDocumentRefusedReasonTypeClass in namespace MangoPay

Kyc Refused Reason Type

KycDocumentStatusClass in namespace MangoPay

KYC document statuses

KycDocumentTypeClass in namespace MangoPay

KYC document types

KycLevelClass in namespace MangoPay

KYC Level

KycPageClass in namespace MangoPay

KYC page entity for Kyc document

$ MangoPayApi#KycDocumentsProperty in class MangoPayApi

Kyc documents list

$ User#KYCLevelProperty in class User



$ BankingAliasIBAN#LocalAccountDetailsProperty in class BankingAliasIBAN

LocalAccount details used for GB

$ Billing#LastNameProperty in class Billing

The Last Name for Billing Address

$ BrowserInfo#LanguageProperty in class BrowserInfo
$ Check#LastUpdateProperty in class Check

The date and time at which the check was last updated.

$ Client#LogoProperty in class Client

The URL of the logo of your client

$ CountryAuthorization#LastUpdateProperty in class CountryAuthorization

Date and time when at least one of the authorizations has been last updated.

$ IdentityVerificationCheck#LastUpdateProperty in class IdentityVerificationCheck

The date and time at which the session was last updated.

LegalPersonTypeClass in namespace MangoPay

Legal Person types

$ Configuration#LogClassProperty in class Configuration

Set the logging class if DebugMode is enabled

$ HttpBase#loggerProperty in class HttpBase

Root/parent instance logger

LogsClass in namespace MangoPay\Libraries

Class to manage debug logs in MangoPay SDK

LineItemClass in namespace MangoPay

Information about the items bought by the customer

LocalAccountClass in namespace MangoPay
LocalAccountDetailsClass in namespace MangoPay
LocalAccountDetailsBankingAliasClass in namespace MangoPay
$ MangoPayApi#loggerProperty in class MangoPayApi
$ Pagination#LinksProperty in class Pagination

Array with links to navigation.

$ PayInPaymentDetailsKlarna#LineItemsProperty in class PayInPaymentDetailsKlarna

Information about the order items (basket) Note : The LineItems total amount must match the declared DebitedFunds

$ PayInPaymentDetailsPaypal#LineItemsProperty in class PayInPaymentDetailsPaypal

Information about the items bought by the customer

$ RecurringPayInCurrentState#LastPayinIdProperty in class RecurringPayInCurrentState
$ Shipping#LastNameProperty in class Shipping

The Last Name for Billing Address

$ Ubo#LastNameProperty in class Ubo
$ UserLegal#LegalPersonTypeProperty in class UserLegal

Type for legal user. Possible: ‘BUSINESS’, ’ORGANIZATION’

$ UserLegal#LegalRepresentativeFirstNameProperty in class UserLegal
$ UserLegal#LegalRepresentativeLastNameProperty in class UserLegal
$ UserLegal#LegalRepresentativeAddressProperty in class UserLegal
$ UserLegal#LegalRepresentativeEmailProperty in class UserLegal
$ UserLegal#LegalRepresentativeBirthdayProperty in class UserLegal
$ UserLegal#LegalRepresentativeNationalityProperty in class UserLegal
$ UserLegal#LegalRepresentativeCountryOfResidenceProperty in class UserLegal
$ UserLegal#LegalRepresentativeProofOfIdentityProperty in class UserLegal
$ UserNatural#LastNameProperty in class UserNatural

Last name for user

$ VirtualAccount#LocalAccountsDetailsProperty in class VirtualAccount

The current Status of the Virtual Account

$ VirtualAccountCapabilities#LocalPayInAvailableProperty in class VirtualAccountCapabilities

Whether local bank wires can be made to this account.


$ CardPreAuthorization#MultiCaptureProperty in class CardPreAuthorization

Boolean. The value is 'true' if the MultiCapture was used

$ ConversionRate#MarketRateProperty in class ConversionRate

The rate used for the conversion, excluding Mangopay's commission.

$ FallbackReason#MessageProperty in class FallbackReason
$ FilterReports#MinDebitedFundsAmountProperty in class FilterReports

Minimum debited funds amount

$ FilterReports#MinDebitedFundsCurrencyProperty in class FilterReports

Currency for minimal debited funds amount

$ FilterReports#MaxDebitedFundsAmountProperty in class FilterReports

Maximum debited funds amount

$ FilterReports#MaxDebitedFundsCurrencyProperty in class FilterReports

Currency for maximum debited funds amount

$ FilterReports#MinFeesAmountProperty in class FilterReports

Minimum Fees amount

$ FilterReports#MinFeesCurrencyProperty in class FilterReports

Currency for minimal Fees amount

$ FilterReports#MaxFeesAmountProperty in class FilterReports

Maximum Fees amount

$ FilterReports#MaxFeesCurrencyProperty in class FilterReports

Currency for maximum Fees amount

$ Error#MessageProperty in class Error

Error message

MandateClass in namespace MangoPay

Direct debit mandate entity.

$ Mandate#MandateTypeProperty in class Mandate

The type of mandate: DIRECT_DEBIT

MandateStatusClass in namespace MangoPay
MangoPayApiClass in namespace MangoPay

MangoPay API main entry point.

$ MangoPayApi#MandatesProperty in class MangoPayApi

Provides dispute documents methods

MoneyClass in namespace MangoPay

Class represents money value with currency

$ PayInPaymentDetailsDirectDebit#MandateIdProperty in class PayInPaymentDetailsDirectDebit

Mandate Id

$ PayInPaymentDetailsDirectDebitDirect#MandateIdProperty in class PayInPaymentDetailsDirectDebitDirect

Mandate identifier.

$ PayInRecurringRegistration#MigrationProperty in class PayInRecurringRegistration
$ PayOut#MeanOfPaymentDetailsProperty in class PayOut

One of PayOutPaymentDetails implementations, depending on $PaymentType

$ PayOutPaymentDetailsBankWire#ModeRequestedProperty in class PayOutPaymentDetailsBankWire

Returned ModeRequested.

$ PayOutPaymentDetailsBankWire#ModeAppliedProperty in class PayOutPaymentDetailsBankWire

The new parameter is the current status of the mode above.

$ UboDeclaration#MessageProperty in class UboDeclaration

Explanation of why the declaration was refused.


$ Client#NameProperty in class Client

Name of client

$ Conversion#NatureProperty in class Conversion

The nature of the transaction, providing more information about the context in which the transaction occurred:

$ FilterTransactions#NatureProperty in class FilterTransactions
$ LineItem#NameProperty in class LineItem

Item name

NaturalUserCapacityClass in namespace MangoPay

Holds enumeration of natural users' capacities within MangoPay.

$ PayInRecurringRegistration#NextTransactionDebitedFundsProperty in class PayInRecurringRegistration
$ PayInRecurringRegistration#NextTransactionFeesProperty in class PayInRecurringRegistration
$ PayPalWebTracking#NotifyBuyerProperty in class PayPalWebTracking

The item cost

$ PaymentData#NetworkProperty in class PaymentData

Network card used for transaction

$ Transaction#NatureProperty in class Transaction
$ Ubo#NationalityProperty in class Ubo
$ UserLegal#NameProperty in class UserLegal

Name of user

$ UserNatural#NationalityProperty in class UserNatural

User's country


$ BankAccount#OwnerNameProperty in class BankAccount

Owner name

$ BankAccount#OwnerAddressProperty in class BankAccount

Owner address

$ BankingAlias#OwnerNameProperty in class BankingAlias

The name of the owner of the bank account

$ DebitedBankAccount#OwnerNameProperty in class DebitedBankAccount

Name of the bank account's owner.

OAuthTokenClass in namespace MangoPay\Libraries
$ MangoPayApi#OAuthTokenManagerProperty in class MangoPayApi

Authorization token methods

$ ScopeBlocked#OutflowsProperty in class ScopeBlocked
$ UserNatural#OccupationProperty in class UserNatural

User's occupation

$ Wallet#OwnersProperty in class Wallet

Array with owners identities


$ Address#PostalCodeProperty in class Address

Postal code.

$ CancelDeposit#PaymentStatusProperty in class CancelDeposit
$ Card#ProductProperty in class Card
$ CardPreAuthorization#PaymentStatusProperty in class CardPreAuthorization

The status of the payment after the PreAuthorization

$ CardPreAuthorization#PaymentTypeProperty in class CardPreAuthorization

The type of pre-authorization ("CARD" is the only acceptable value at present

$ CardPreAuthorization#PayInIdProperty in class CardPreAuthorization

The Id of the associated PayIn

$ CardPreAuthorization#PaymentCategoryProperty in class CardPreAuthorization

Allowed values: ECommerce (default), TelephoneOrder

$ CardRegistration#PreregistrationDataProperty in class CardRegistration

Preregistration data

$ CardValidation#PreferredCardNetworkProperty in class CardValidation


$ CardValidation#PaymentCategoryProperty in class CardValidation

Allowed values: ECommerce (default), TelephoneOrder

$ Client#PrimaryThemeColourProperty in class Client

The primary branding colour to use for your merchant

$ Client#PrimaryButtonColourProperty in class Client

The primary branding colour to use for buttons for your merchant

$ Client#PlatformDescriptionProperty in class Client

A description of what your platform does

$ Client#PlatformCategorizationProperty in class Client

Categorization details of the client

$ Client#PlatformURLProperty in class Client

The URL for your website

$ Deposit#PaymentStatusProperty in class Deposit
$ Deposit#PayinsLinkedProperty in class Deposit
$ Deposit#PaymentTypeProperty in class Deposit
$ FilterPreAuthorizations#PaymentStatusProperty in class FilterPreAuthorizations

Status of the payment after the PreAuthorization

$ Document#ProcessedDateProperty in class Document

Date when this document was processed

$ MangoPayApi#PayInsProperty in class MangoPayApi

Pay-in methods

$ MangoPayApi#PayOutsProperty in class MangoPayApi

Pay-out methods

PaginationClass in namespace MangoPay

Class represents pagination information

$ Pagination#PageProperty in class Pagination

Page number

PayInClass in namespace MangoPay

Pay-in entity

$ PayIn#PaymentTypeProperty in class PayIn


$ PayIn#PaymentDetailsProperty in class PayIn

One of PayInPaymentDetails implementations, depending on $PaymentType

$ PayIn#PaymentCategoryProperty in class PayIn

Allowed values: ECommerce (default), TelephoneOrder

PayInCardTemplateURLOptionsClass in namespace MangoPay

Class represents template URL options

$ PayInCardTemplateURLOptions#PAYLINEProperty in class PayInCardTemplateURLOptions

PAYLINE options - Will be deprecated on March 31th (Sandbox) and April 30th (production)

$ PayInCardTemplateURLOptions#PAYLINEV2Property in class PayInCardTemplateURLOptions

PAYLINEV2 options

PayInExecutionDetailsClass in namespace MangoPay

Marker interface for classes with details of execution option in PayIn entity

PayInExecutionDetailsDirectClass in namespace MangoPay

Class represents Web type for 'DIRECT' execution option in PayIn entity

PayInExecutionDetailsExternalInstructionClass in namespace MangoPay

Class represents Web type for 'EXTERNAL_INSTRUCTION' execution option in PayIn entity

PayInExecutionDetailsWebClass in namespace MangoPay

Class represents Web type for 'WEB' execution option in PayIn entity

PayInExecutionTypeClass in namespace MangoPay

PayIn execution types

PayInPaymentDetailsClass in namespace MangoPay

Marker interface for classes with details of means of payment in PayIn entity

PayInPaymentDetailsApplePayClass in namespace MangoPay
$ PayInPaymentDetailsApplePay#PaymentDataProperty in class PayInPaymentDetailsApplePay

Payment information returned by Apple Pay payment

PayInPaymentDetailsBancontactClass in namespace MangoPay

Class represents Bancontact type for mean of payment in Bancontact entity

PayInPaymentDetailsBankWireClass in namespace MangoPay

Class represents BankWire type for mean of payment in PayIn entity

PayInPaymentDetailsBlikClass in namespace MangoPay
PayInPaymentDetailsCardClass in namespace MangoPay

Class represents Card type for mean of payment in PayIn entity

PayInPaymentDetailsDirectDebitClass in namespace MangoPay

Class represents direct debit type for mean of payment in PayIn entity

PayInPaymentDetailsDirectDebitDirectClass in namespace MangoPay

Class represents direct debit type for mean of payment in PayIn entity

PayInPaymentDetailsGiropayClass in namespace MangoPay

Class represents Giropay type for mean of payment in Giropay entity

PayInPaymentDetailsGooglePayClass in namespace MangoPay
$ PayInPaymentDetailsGooglePay#PaymentDataProperty in class PayInPaymentDetailsGooglePay

Payment information returned by Google Pay payment

PayInPaymentDetailsIdealClass in namespace MangoPay

Class represents IDEAL type for mean of payment in IDEAL entity

PayInPaymentDetailsKlarnaClass in namespace MangoPay

Class represents Klarna type for mean of payment in Klarna entity

$ PayInPaymentDetailsKlarna#PhoneProperty in class PayInPaymentDetailsKlarna

The end-user mobile phone number

$ PayInPaymentDetailsKlarna#PaymentMethodProperty in class PayInPaymentDetailsKlarna

The Klarna option that the end-user has chosen at checkout

PayInPaymentDetailsMbwayClass in namespace MangoPay
$ PayInPaymentDetailsMbway#PhoneProperty in class PayInPaymentDetailsMbway

The mobile phone number of the user initiating the pay-in Country code followed by hash symbol (#) followed by the rest of the number. Only digits and hash allowed

PayInPaymentDetailsMultibancoClass in namespace MangoPay
PayInPaymentDetailsPayconiqClass in namespace MangoPay

Class represents Payconiq type for mean of payment in PayIn entity

PayInPaymentDetailsPaypalClass in namespace MangoPay

Class represents PayPal type for mean of payment in PayIn entity

$ PayInPaymentDetailsPaypal#PaypalBuyerAccountEmailProperty in class PayInPaymentDetailsPaypal

PayPal buyer's email account

$ PayInPaymentDetailsPaypal#PaypalPayerIDProperty in class PayInPaymentDetailsPaypal
$ PayInPaymentDetailsPaypal#PaypalOrderIDProperty in class PayInPaymentDetailsPaypal
PayInPaymentDetailsPreAuthorizedClass in namespace MangoPay

Class represents Web type for execution option in PayIn entity

$ PayInPaymentDetailsPreAuthorized#PreauthorizationIdProperty in class PayInPaymentDetailsPreAuthorized

The ID of the Preauthorization object

PayInPaymentDetailsSatispayClass in namespace MangoPay
PayInPaymentDetailsSwishClass in namespace MangoPay

Class represents Giropay type for mean of payment in Giropay entity

$ PayInPaymentDetailsSwish#PaymentFlowProperty in class PayInPaymentDetailsSwish

Allowed values: WEB, APP

Default value: WEB

The platform environment of the post-payment flow. The PaymentFlow value combines with the ReturnURL to manage the redirection behavior after payment:

Set the value to APP to send the user to your platform’s mobile app

Set the value to WEB to send the user to a web browser

In both cases you need to provide the relevant ReturnURL, whether to your app or website.

PayInPaymentTypeClass in namespace MangoPay

PayIn payment types

PayInRecurringClass in namespace MangoPay
PayInRecurringRegistrationClass in namespace MangoPay
PayInRecurringRegistrationGetClass in namespace MangoPay
PayInRecurringRegistrationRequestResponseClass in namespace MangoPay
PayInRecurringRegistrationUpdateClass in namespace MangoPay
PayInStatusClass in namespace MangoPay

PayIn statuses

PayInTemplateURLOptionsClass in namespace MangoPay

Class represents template URL options

$ PayInTemplateURLOptions#PAYLINEProperty in class PayInTemplateURLOptions

PAYLINE options - Will be deprecated on March 31th (Sandbox) and April 30th (production)

PayInWebExtendedViewClass in namespace MangoPay

Pay-in entity

$ PayInWebExtendedView#PaymentTypeProperty in class PayInWebExtendedView

Payment Type

PayOutClass in namespace MangoPay

PayOut entity

$ PayOut#PaymentTypeProperty in class PayOut


PayOutEligibilityRequestClass in namespace MangoPay
$ PayOutEligibilityRequest#PayoutModeRequestedProperty in class PayOutEligibilityRequest

Payout mode requested. May take one of the following values: STANDARD (value by default if no parameter is sent): a standard bank wire is requested and the processing time of the funds is about 48 hours; INSTANT_PAYMENT: an instant payment bank wire is requested and the processing time is within 25 seconds (subject to prerequisites); INSTANT_PAYMENT_ONLY: an instant payment bank wire is requested and the processing time is within 25 seconds, but if any prerequisite is not met or another problem occurs, there is no fallback: the wallet is automatically refunded and the payout is not completed.

PayOutEligibilityResponseClass in namespace MangoPay
PayOutPaymentDetailsClass in namespace MangoPay

Marker interface for classes with details of means of payment in PayOut entity

PayOutPaymentDetailsBankWireClass in namespace MangoPay

Class represents BankWire type for mean of payment in PayOut entity

$ PayOutPaymentDetailsBankWire#PaymentRefProperty in class PayOutPaymentDetailsBankWire

The PaymentRef must be sent on payouts that are reimbursing bank wire pay-ins and pay-ins to virtual IBANs,

$ PayOutPaymentDetailsBankWire#PayoutModeRequestedProperty in class PayOutPaymentDetailsBankWire

The parameter "PayoutModeRequested" can take 3 different values : "STANDARD", "INSTANT_PAYMENT", "INSTANT_PAYMENT_ONLY"

PayOutPaymentRefClass in namespace MangoPay
PayOutPaymentTypeClass in namespace MangoPay

PayOut payment types

PayOutStatusClass in namespace MangoPay

PayOut statuses

PayPalWebTrackingClass in namespace MangoPay
PayinsLinkedClass in namespace MangoPay

Event entity

$ PayinsLinked#PayInCaptureIdProperty in class PayinsLinked
$ PayinsLinked#PayinComplementIdProperty in class PayinsLinked
PaymentDataClass in namespace MangoPay

Information regarding the Apple Pay payment

PaymentMethodMetadataClass in namespace MangoPay
PersonTypeClass in namespace MangoPay

Person type for users

PlatformCategorizationClass in namespace MangoPay

Class holds details about the client platform categorization

$ RecurringPayInCurrentState#PayinsLinkedProperty in class RecurringPayInCurrentState
$ ReportRequest#PreviewProperty in class ReportRequest

If true, the report will be limited to the first 10 lines.

$ UboDeclaration#ProcessedDateProperty in class UboDeclaration
$ User#PersonTypeProperty in class User

Type of user

$ UserLegal#ProofOfRegistrationProperty in class UserLegal
$ UserNatural#ProofOfIdentityProperty in class UserNatural
$ UserNatural#ProofOfAddressProperty in class UserNatural
$ VirtualAccountAddress#PostCodeProperty in class VirtualAccountAddress


$ Conversion#QuoteIdProperty in class Conversion

The unique identifier of the active quote which guaranteed the rate for the conversion.

$ CreateClientWalletsQuotedConversion#QuoteIdProperty in class CreateClientWalletsQuotedConversion

The unique identifier of the active quote which guaranteed the rate for the conversion.

$ CreateQuotedConversion#QuoteIdProperty in class CreateQuotedConversion

The unique identifier of the active quote which guaranteed the rate for the conversion.

$ LineItem#QuantityProperty in class LineItem

Quantity of item bought

$ PayInPaymentDetailsSwish#QRCodeURLProperty in class PayInPaymentDetailsSwish

The PNG file of the Swish QR code as a Base64-encoded string.


$ Address#RegionProperty in class Address
ApiDisputes::ResubmitDispute() — Method in class ApiDisputes

This method is used to resubmit a Dispute if it is reopened requiring more docs

$ CardPreAuthorization#ResultCodeProperty in class CardPreAuthorization

The PreAuthorization result code

$ CardPreAuthorization#ResultMessageProperty in class CardPreAuthorization

The PreAuthorization result Message explaining the result code

$ CardPreAuthorization#RemainingFundsProperty in class CardPreAuthorization
$ CardPreAuthorization#Requested3DSVersionProperty in class CardPreAuthorization
$ CardRegistration#RegistrationDataProperty in class CardRegistration

Card registration data

$ CardRegistration#ResultCodeProperty in class CardRegistration

The result code of the object

$ CardRegistration#ResultMessageProperty in class CardRegistration

The message explaining the result code

$ CardValidation#ResultCodeProperty in class CardValidation

The mandate result code

$ CardValidation#ResultMessageProperty in class CardValidation

The mandate result Message

$ Conversion#ResultCodeProperty in class Conversion

The code indicates the result of the operation.

$ Conversion#ResultMessageProperty in class Conversion

The explanation of the result code.

$ DeclaredUbo#RefusedReasonTypeProperty in class DeclaredUbo

Reason why the declared UBO is not valid.

$ DeclaredUbo#RefusedReasonMessageProperty in class DeclaredUbo

Message explaining why the UBO is not valid.

$ Deposit#ResultCodeProperty in class Deposit
$ Deposit#ResultMessageProperty in class Deposit
$ Deposit#Requested3DSVersionProperty in class Deposit
$ Dispute#ResultCodeProperty in class Dispute

The outcome of the dispute – will be null until closed, and then one of WON, LOST or VOID

$ Dispute#ResultMessageProperty in class Dispute

The field that may be used to give more info about the end result

$ Dispute#RepudiationIdProperty in class Dispute

The Id of the associated repudiation transaction

$ Event#ResourceIdProperty in class Event

Resource ID

$ FilterPreAuthorizations#ResultCodeProperty in class FilterPreAuthorizations
$ FilterRefunds#ResultCodeProperty in class FilterRefunds

Multiple values separated by commas are allowed

$ FilterReports#ResultCodeProperty in class FilterReports

Code to filter.

$ FilterTransactions#ResultCodeProperty in class FilterTransactions
$ IdentityVerification#ReturnUrlProperty in class IdentityVerification

The URL to which the user is returned after the hosted identity verification session, regardless of the outcome.

AuthorizationTokenManager::RegisterCustomStorageStrategy() — Method in class AuthorizationTokenManager

Registers custom storage strategy implementation.

$ Document#RefusedReasonTypeProperty in class Document

Refused reason type

$ Document#RefusedReasonMessageProperty in class Document

Refused reason message

HttpBase::Request() — Method in class HttpBase
HttpCurl::Request() — Method in class HttpCurl
$ HttpResponse#ResponseCodeProperty in class HttpResponse
RequestTypeClass in namespace MangoPay\Libraries

Request type enum

ResponseExceptionClass in namespace MangoPay\Libraries

Response exception class

$ ResponseException#RequestUrlProperty in class ResponseException

Request URL

RestToolClass in namespace MangoPay\Libraries

Class to prepare HTTP request, call the request and decode the response

RestTool::Request() — Method in class RestTool

Call request to MangoPay API

$ Mandate#RedirectURLProperty in class Mandate

Redirect URL

$ Mandate#ReturnURLProperty in class Mandate

Return URL

$ Mandate#ResultCodeProperty in class Mandate

The mandate result code

$ Mandate#ResultMessageProperty in class Mandate

The mandate result Message

$ MangoPayApi#ResponsesProperty in class MangoPayApi

Provides responses methods

$ MangoPayApi#RefundsProperty in class MangoPayApi

Refund methods

$ MangoPayApi#ReportsProperty in class MangoPayApi

Provides reports request methods

$ MangoPayApi#RepudiationsProperty in class MangoPayApi

Provides Repudiation methods

$ MangoPayApi#RateLimitsProperty in class MangoPayApi
$ MangoPayApi#RegulatoryProperty in class MangoPayApi

Provides Regulatory methods

$ PayIn#RecurringPayinRegistrationIdProperty in class PayIn

Recurring PayIn Registration Id

$ PayInExecutionDetailsDirect#Requested3DSVersionProperty in class PayInExecutionDetailsDirect
$ PayInExecutionDetailsWeb#RedirectURLProperty in class PayInExecutionDetailsWeb

URL format expected

$ PayInExecutionDetailsWeb#ReturnURLProperty in class PayInExecutionDetailsWeb

URL format expected

$ PayInPaymentDetailsBancontact#RecurringProperty in class PayInPaymentDetailsBancontact

Whether the Bancontact pay-ins are being made to be re-used in a recurring payment flow

$ PayInPaymentDetailsCard#ReferenceProperty in class PayInPaymentDetailsCard
$ PayInPaymentDetailsGooglePay#ReturnURLProperty in class PayInPaymentDetailsGooglePay

Return URL

$ PayInPaymentDetailsKlarna#ReferenceProperty in class PayInPaymentDetailsKlarna

The merchant order reference

$ PayInPaymentDetailsPaypal#ReferenceProperty in class PayInPaymentDetailsPaypal
$ PayInRecurringRegistrationRequestResponse#RecurringTypeProperty in class PayInRecurringRegistrationRequestResponse
$ PayOutPaymentRef#ReasonTypeProperty in class PayOutPaymentRef


$ PayOutPaymentRef#ReferenceIdProperty in class PayOutPaymentRef
RateLimitClass in namespace MangoPay
$ RateLimit#ResetTimeTimestampProperty in class RateLimit
RecurringPayInCITClass in namespace MangoPay
$ RecurringPayInCIT#RecurringPayinRegistrationIdProperty in class RecurringPayInCIT
RecurringPayInCurrentStateClass in namespace MangoPay
RecurringPayInMITClass in namespace MangoPay
$ RecurringPayInMIT#RecurringPayinRegistrationIdProperty in class RecurringPayInMIT
RefundClass in namespace MangoPay

Refund entity

$ Refund#RefundReasonProperty in class Refund

Contains info about the reason for refund

$ Refund#ReferenceProperty in class Refund
RefundReasonDetailsClass in namespace MangoPay

Class represents RefundReason details in Refund entity

$ RefundReasonDetails#RefundReasonMessageProperty in class RefundReasonDetails

Message about the reason for refund

$ RefundReasonDetails#RefundReasonTypeProperty in class RefundReasonDetails

Type of refund reason

RefundStatusClass in namespace MangoPay
ReportRequestClass in namespace MangoPay

Report request entity

$ ReportRequest#ReportDateProperty in class ReportRequest

Date of when the report was requested.

$ ReportRequest#ReportTypeProperty in class ReportRequest

Type of the report.

$ ReportRequest#ResultCodeProperty in class ReportRequest

Result code.

$ ReportRequest#ResultMessageProperty in class ReportRequest

Result message.

ReportStatusClass in namespace MangoPay
ReportTypeClass in namespace MangoPay
RepudiationClass in namespace MangoPay

Repudiation entity

$ Repudiation#ResultCodeProperty in class Repudiation

The transaction result code

$ Repudiation#ResultMessageProperty in class Repudiation

The transaction result message

ResponseClass in namespace MangoPay

Response entity

$ Response#RequestURLProperty in class Response

Request URL where the idempotency key was used

$ Response#ResourceProperty in class Response

Entity or response data (JSON-serialized)

$ SettlementTransfer#RepudiationIdProperty in class SettlementTransfer

The Id of the associated repudiation transaction

$ ShippingAddress#RecipientNameProperty in class ShippingAddress

The recipient's name.

$ Transaction#ResultCodeProperty in class Transaction

Result code

$ Transaction#ResultMessageProperty in class Transaction

The PreAuthorization result Message explaining the result code

$ UboDeclaration#ReasonProperty in class UboDeclaration

List of reasons why the declaration was refused.


ApiUboDeclarations::SubmitForValidation() — Method in class ApiUboDeclarations

Updates an UBO Declaration with the status VALIDATION_ASKED.

$ BankAccountDetailsGB#SortCodeProperty in class BankAccountDetailsGB

Sort code

$ BrowserInfo#ScreenHeightProperty in class BrowserInfo
$ BrowserInfo#ScreenWidthProperty in class BrowserInfo
$ CardInfo#SubTypeProperty in class CardInfo

The subtype of the card product. Examples include: CLASSIC, GOLD, PLATINUM, PREPAID, etc.

$ CardPreAuthorization#StatusProperty in class CardPreAuthorization

Status of the PreAuthorization

$ CardPreAuthorization#StatementDescriptorProperty in class CardPreAuthorization

An optional value to be specified on the user's bank statement

$ CardPreAuthorization#SecureModeProperty in class CardPreAuthorization

The SecureMode correspond to '3D secure' for CB Visa and MasterCard or 'Amex Safe Key' for American Express.

$ CardPreAuthorization#SecureModeNeededProperty in class CardPreAuthorization

Boolean. The value is 'true' if the SecureMode was used

$ CardPreAuthorization#SecureModeRedirectURLProperty in class CardPreAuthorization

This is the URL where to redirect users to proceed to 3D secure validation

$ CardPreAuthorization#SecureModeReturnURLProperty in class CardPreAuthorization

This is the URL where users are automatically redirected after 3D secure validation (if activated)

$ CardPreAuthorization#SecurityInfoProperty in class CardPreAuthorization

Security validation information

$ CardPreAuthorization#ShippingProperty in class CardPreAuthorization
$ CardRegistration#StatusProperty in class CardRegistration
$ CardValidation#SecureModeReturnUrlProperty in class CardValidation

This is the URL where users are automatically redirected after 3D secure validation (if activated)

$ CardValidation#SecureModeRedirectURLProperty in class CardValidation
$ CardValidation#SecureModeNeededProperty in class CardValidation

Boolean. The value is 'true' if the SecureMode was used

$ CardValidation#SecureModeProperty in class CardValidation

The mode applied for the 3DS2 protocol for CB, Visa, and Mastercard

$ CardValidation#StatusProperty in class CardValidation

The current status of the card validation

$ Conversion#StatusProperty in class Conversion

The status of the transaction.

$ ConversionQuote#StatusProperty in class ConversionQuote
$ CreateDeposit#SecureModeReturnURLProperty in class CreateDeposit
$ CreateDeposit#StatementDescriptorProperty in class CreateDeposit
$ CreateDeposit#ShippingProperty in class CreateDeposit
$ DeclaredUbo#StatusProperty in class DeclaredUbo

Validation status of this declared UBO.

$ Deposit#StatusProperty in class Deposit
$ Deposit#SecureModeReturnURLProperty in class Deposit
$ Deposit#SecureModeRedirectURLProperty in class Deposit
$ Deposit#SecureModeNeededProperty in class Deposit
$ Deposit#StatementDescriptorProperty in class Deposit
$ Deposit#ShippingProperty in class Deposit
$ Dispute#StatusProperty in class Dispute

The current status of the dispute

$ Dispute#StatusMessageProperty in class Dispute

Free text used when reopening the dispute

$ DisputeDocument#StatusProperty in class DisputeDocument

Status of dispute document

$ FilterDisputeDocuments#StatusProperty in class FilterDisputeDocuments
$ FilterDisputes#StatusProperty in class FilterDisputes
$ FilterKycDocuments#StatusProperty in class FilterKycDocuments
$ FilterPreAuthorizations#StatusProperty in class FilterPreAuthorizations

Status of the PreAuthorizations

$ FilterRefunds#StatusProperty in class FilterRefunds

Multiple values separated by commas are allowed

$ FilterTransactions#StatusProperty in class FilterTransactions
$ Hook#StatusProperty in class Hook
$ IdentityVerification#StatusProperty in class IdentityVerification

The status of the identity verification session:

PENDING – The session is available on the HostedUrl, to which the user must be redirected to complete it.

VALIDATED – The session was successful.

REFUSED – The session was refused.

REVIEW – The session is under manual review by Mangopay.

OUTDATED – The session is no longer valid (likely due to expired documents used during the session).

TIMEOUT – The session timed out due to inactivity.

ERROR – The session was not completed because an error occurred.

$ IdentityVerificationCheck#SessionIdProperty in class IdentityVerificationCheck

Unique identifier for the entire verification session.

$ IdentityVerificationCheck#StatusProperty in class IdentityVerificationCheck

The status of the identity verification session:

PENDING – The session is available on the HostedUrl, to which the user must be redirected to complete it.

VALIDATED – The session was successful.

REFUSED – The session was refused.

REVIEW – The session is under manual review by Mangopay.

OUTDATED – The session is no longer valid (likely due to expired documents used during the session).

TIMEOUT – The session timed out due to inactivity.

ERROR – The session was not completed because an error occurred.

$ KycDocument#StatusProperty in class KycDocument
ApiBase::SaveObject() — Method in class ApiBase

Save object in API

AuthorizationTokenManager::StoreToken() — Method in class AuthorizationTokenManager

Stores authorization token passed as an argument in the underlying storage strategy implementation.

DefaultStorageStrategy::Store() — Method in class DefaultStorageStrategy

Stores authorization token passed as an argument.

IStorageStrategy::Store() — Method in class IStorageStrategy

Stores authorization token passed as an argument.

$ LocalAccount#SortCodeProperty in class LocalAccount

The sort code of the account.

$ LocalAccountDetailsBankingAlias#SortCodeProperty in class LocalAccountDetailsBankingAlias

BankingAlias GB SortCode

$ Mandate#SchemeProperty in class Mandate

The type of mandate – it will be « SEPA » or « BACS » but will only be completed once the mandate has been submitted

$ Mandate#StatusProperty in class Mandate

Status of the mandate

MangoPayApi::setLogger() — Method in class MangoPayApi
MangoPayApi::setConfig() — Method in class MangoPayApi
MangoPayApi::setHttpClient() — Method in class MangoPayApi
$ PayInExecutionDetailsDirect#SecureModeProperty in class PayInExecutionDetailsDirect


$ PayInExecutionDetailsDirect#SecureModeReturnURLProperty in class PayInExecutionDetailsDirect
$ PayInExecutionDetailsDirect#SecureModeRedirectURLProperty in class PayInExecutionDetailsDirect
$ PayInExecutionDetailsDirect#SecureModeNeededProperty in class PayInExecutionDetailsDirect
$ PayInExecutionDetailsDirect#SecurityInfoProperty in class PayInExecutionDetailsDirect

Security & validation information

$ PayInExecutionDetailsWeb#SecureModeProperty in class PayInExecutionDetailsWeb


$ PayInPaymentDetailsApplePay#StatementDescriptorProperty in class PayInPaymentDetailsApplePay

Custom description to show on the user's bank statement.

$ PayInPaymentDetailsBancontact#StatementDescriptorProperty in class PayInPaymentDetailsBancontact

Custom description to show on the user's bank statement.

$ PayInPaymentDetailsBlik#StatementDescriptorProperty in class PayInPaymentDetailsBlik

Custom description to show on the user's bank statement.

$ PayInPaymentDetailsCard#StatementDescriptorProperty in class PayInPaymentDetailsCard
$ PayInPaymentDetailsCard#ShippingProperty in class PayInPaymentDetailsCard
$ PayInPaymentDetailsDirectDebit#StatementDescriptorProperty in class PayInPaymentDetailsDirectDebit
$ PayInPaymentDetailsDirectDebitDirect#StatementDescriptorProperty in class PayInPaymentDetailsDirectDebitDirect
$ PayInPaymentDetailsGiropay#StatementDescriptorProperty in class PayInPaymentDetailsGiropay

Custom description to show on the user's bank statement.

$ PayInPaymentDetailsGooglePay#StatementDescriptorProperty in class PayInPaymentDetailsGooglePay

Custom description to show on the user's bank statement.

$ PayInPaymentDetailsGooglePay#ShippingProperty in class PayInPaymentDetailsGooglePay

Information about the end user shipping address.

$ PayInPaymentDetailsIdeal#StatementDescriptorProperty in class PayInPaymentDetailsIdeal

Custom description to show on the user's bank statement.

$ PayInPaymentDetailsKlarna#ShippingProperty in class PayInPaymentDetailsKlarna

Information about the shipping address

$ PayInPaymentDetailsMbway#StatementDescriptorProperty in class PayInPaymentDetailsMbway

Custom description to show on the user's bank statement.

$ PayInPaymentDetailsMultibanco#StatementDescriptorProperty in class PayInPaymentDetailsMultibanco

Custom description to show on the user's bank statement.

$ PayInPaymentDetailsPaypal#ShippingAddressProperty in class PayInPaymentDetailsPaypal

Address used instead of the user's PayPal account address.

$ PayInPaymentDetailsPaypal#StatementDescriptorProperty in class PayInPaymentDetailsPaypal

Custom description of the payment shown to the consumer when making payments and on the bank statement

$ PayInPaymentDetailsPaypal#ShippingProperty in class PayInPaymentDetailsPaypal

User’s shipping address When not provided, the default address is the one register one the buyer PayPal account

$ PayInPaymentDetailsPaypal#ShippingPreferenceProperty in class PayInPaymentDetailsPaypal

User’s shipping preference

$ PayInPaymentDetailsSatispay#StatementDescriptorProperty in class PayInPaymentDetailsSatispay

Custom description to show on the user's bank statement.

$ PayInPaymentDetailsSwish#StatementDescriptorProperty in class PayInPaymentDetailsSwish

Custom description to show on the user's bank statement.

$ PayInRecurringRegistration#ShippingProperty in class PayInRecurringRegistration
$ PayInRecurringRegistration#StatusProperty in class PayInRecurringRegistration
$ PayInRecurringRegistrationUpdate#ShippingProperty in class PayInRecurringRegistrationUpdate
$ PayInRecurringRegistrationUpdate#StatusProperty in class PayInRecurringRegistrationUpdate
$ PayOutPaymentDetailsBankWire#StatusProperty in class PayOutPaymentDetailsBankWire

The status.

$ PlatformCategorization#SectorProperty in class PlatformCategorization

Sector of business in which the platform operates

$ RecurringPayInCIT#SecureModeReturnURLProperty in class RecurringPayInCIT
$ RecurringPayInCIT#StatementDescriptorProperty in class RecurringPayInCIT
$ RecurringPayInMIT#StatementDescriptorProperty in class RecurringPayInMIT
$ Refund#StatementDescriptorProperty in class Refund
$ ReportRequest#StatusProperty in class ReportRequest

Status of the report.

$ ReportRequest#SortProperty in class ReportRequest
$ Repudiation#StatusProperty in class Repudiation

The status of the transfer

$ Response#StatusCodeProperty in class Response

Status code

ScopeBlockedClass in namespace MangoPay
SectorClass in namespace MangoPay

Business sector

SecurityInfoClass in namespace MangoPay

Security & validation information

SettlementTransferClass in namespace MangoPay

Settlement transfer entity.

ShippingClass in namespace MangoPay
ShippingAddressClass in namespace MangoPay

Class represents the shipping address of a PayPal PayIn.

ShippingPreferenceClass in namespace MangoPay
SortDirectionClass in namespace MangoPay
SortingClass in namespace MangoPay

Base sorting object

$ Transaction#StatusProperty in class Transaction
$ UboDeclaration#StatusProperty in class UboDeclaration

Declaration status.

User::SetPersonType() — Method in class User
$ UserBlockStatus#ScopeBlockedProperty in class UserBlockStatus
$ UserLegal#StatuteProperty in class UserLegal
$ UserLegal#ShareholderDeclarationProperty in class UserLegal
$ VirtualAccount#StatusProperty in class VirtualAccount

The status of the virtual account creation Allowed values: COLLECTION, USER_OWNED

$ VirtualAccountAddress#StreetNameProperty in class VirtualAccountAddress


$ BankAccount#TypeProperty in class BankAccount

Type of bank account

$ BankAccountDetailsOTHER#TypeProperty in class BankAccountDetailsOTHER
$ BankingAlias#TagProperty in class BankingAlias

Custom data that you can add to this item

$ BankingAlias#TypeProperty in class BankingAlias

The type of banking alias (note that only IBAN is available at present)

$ BankingAliasIBAN#TypeProperty in class BankingAliasIBAN

The type of banking alias (note that only IBAN and GB is available at present)

$ BankingAliasOTHER#TypeProperty in class BankingAliasOTHER
$ BrowserInfo#TimeZoneOffsetProperty in class BrowserInfo
$ CardInfo#TypeProperty in class CardInfo

The type of card product: DEBIT, CREDIT, CHARGE CARD.

$ CardValidation#TypeProperty in class CardValidation
$ Check#TypeProperty in class Check

Type of verification check performed:

BUSINESS_VERIFICATION - Verification of the business entity of a Legal User.

IDENTITY_DOCUMENT_VERIFICATION - Verification of the identity document of a Natural User or the legal representative of a Legal User.

PERSONS_SIGNIFICANT_CONTROL - Verification of a person of significant control of a Legal User.

$ CheckData#TypeProperty in class CheckData

The type of the data point.

$ Client#TechEmailsProperty in class Client

A list of email addresses to use when contacting you for technical issues/communications

$ Client#TaxNumberProperty in class Client

The tax (or VAT) number for your company

$ Conversion#TypeProperty in class Conversion

The type of transaction

$ CreateCardPreAuthorizedDepositPayIn#TagProperty in class CreateCardPreAuthorizedDepositPayIn
$ CreateClientWalletsInstantConversion#TagProperty in class CreateClientWalletsInstantConversion

Custom data.

$ CreateClientWalletsQuotedConversion#TagProperty in class CreateClientWalletsQuotedConversion

Custom data.

$ CreateInstantConversion#TagProperty in class CreateInstantConversion

Custom data.

$ CreateQuotedConversion#TagProperty in class CreateQuotedConversion

Custom data.

$ DebitedBankAccount#TypeProperty in class DebitedBankAccount
$ DisputeDocument#TypeProperty in class DisputeDocument

Type of dispute document

$ FilterDisputeDocuments#TypeProperty in class FilterDisputeDocuments
$ FilterKycDocuments#TypeProperty in class FilterKycDocuments
$ FilterTransactions#TypeProperty in class FilterTransactions
$ KycDocument#TypeProperty in class KycDocument
$ Configuration#TemporaryFolderProperty in class Configuration

Path to folder with temporary files (with permissions to write)

$ EntityBase#TagProperty in class EntityBase
$ Error#TypeProperty in class Error

The type of error

$ OAuthToken#token_typeProperty in class OAuthToken

Token type

$ LineItem#TaxAmountProperty in class LineItem

The item tax

$ MangoPayApi#TransfersProperty in class MangoPayApi

Transfers methods

$ Pagination#TotalPagesProperty in class Pagination

Number of total pages

$ Pagination#TotalItemsProperty in class Pagination

Number of total items

$ PayInExecutionDetailsWeb#TemplateURLProperty in class PayInExecutionDetailsWeb

URL format expected.

$ PayInExecutionDetailsWeb#TemplateURLOptionsProperty in class PayInExecutionDetailsWeb

The URL where you host the iFramed template.

$ PayInPaymentDetailsPaypal#TrackingsProperty in class PayInPaymentDetailsPaypal
$ PayInRecurringRegistrationRequestResponse#TotalAmountProperty in class PayInRecurringRegistrationRequestResponse
$ PayPalWebTracking#TrackingNumberProperty in class PayPalWebTracking

Item name

$ PaymentData#TransactionIdProperty in class PaymentData

ID of the Apple payment transaction

$ PaymentData#TokenDataProperty in class PaymentData

Data block containing payment information

$ PaymentMethodMetadata#TypeProperty in class PaymentMethodMetadata

The type of metadata. Allowed values: BIN, GOOGLE_PAY

$ PaymentMethodMetadata#TokenProperty in class PaymentMethodMetadata

The tokenized payment data provided by the third-party payment method.

$ PaymentMethodMetadata#TokenFormatProperty in class PaymentMethodMetadata

In the case of Google Pay, the format of the Token.

$ RecurringPayInCIT#TagProperty in class RecurringPayInCIT
$ RecurringPayInMIT#TagProperty in class RecurringPayInMIT
TransactionClass in namespace MangoPay

Transaction entity.

$ Transaction#TypeProperty in class Transaction
TransactionNatureClass in namespace MangoPay
TransactionStatusClass in namespace MangoPay
TransactionTypeClass in namespace MangoPay
TransferClass in namespace MangoPay

Transfer entity

$ User#TermsAndConditionsAcceptedProperty in class User

Whether the user has accepted the MANGOPAY Terms and Conditions.

$ User#TermsAndConditionsAcceptedDateProperty in class User

The date on which the user has accepted the MANGOPAY Terms and Conditions.

$ VirtualAccountAddress#TownNameProperty in class VirtualAccountAddress


ApiBankingAliases::Update() — Method in class ApiBankingAliases

Update banking alias

ApiCardPreAuthorizations::Update() — Method in class ApiCardPreAuthorizations

Update pre-authorization object

ApiCardRegistrations::Update() — Method in class ApiCardRegistrations

Update card registration

ApiCards::Update() — Method in class ApiCards

Update card

ApiClients::Update() — Method in class ApiClients

Save client

ApiClients::UploadLogo() — Method in class ApiClients

Upload a logo for client.

ApiClients::UploadLogoFromFile() — Method in class ApiClients

Upload a logo for client from file.

ApiDisputes::Update() — Method in class ApiDisputes

Updates dispute's tag

ApiDisputes::UpdateDisputeDocument() — Method in class ApiDisputes

Update dispute document

ApiHooks::Update() — Method in class ApiHooks

Save hook

ApiPayIns::UpdateRecurringRegistration() — Method in class ApiPayIns

Update recurring payment

ApiUboDeclarations::UpdateUbo() — Method in class ApiUboDeclarations

Updates an UBO

ApiUsers::Update() — Method in class ApiUsers

Save user

ApiUsers::UpdateBankAccount() — Method in class ApiUsers

Save a bank account

ApiUsers::UpdateKycDocument() — Method in class ApiUsers

Save KYC document

ApiWallets::Update() — Method in class ApiWallets

Save wallet

$ BankAccount#UserIdProperty in class BankAccount

User identifier

$ BrowserInfo#UserAgentProperty in class BrowserInfo
$ Card#UserIdProperty in class Card
$ CardRegistration#UserIdProperty in class CardRegistration

User Id

$ DeclaredUbo#UserIdProperty in class DeclaredUbo

ID of the declared user.

$ DocumentPageConsult#UrlProperty in class DocumentPageConsult

URL where this document page can be viewed.

$ EMoney#UserIdProperty in class EMoney

Owner object owner's UserId

$ Hook#UrlProperty in class Hook

This is the URL where your receive notification for each EventType

$ InstantPayout#UnreachableReasonProperty in class InstantPayout
$ KycDocument#UserIdProperty in class KycDocument
$ Configuration#UserPasswordProxyProperty in class Configuration

Set the user:password proxy

$ Configuration#UKHeaderFlagProperty in class Configuration

Set to true for uk traffic

UploadClass in namespace MangoPay\Libraries

Abstract class for all documents

UrlToolClass in namespace MangoPay\Libraries
$ LineItem#UnitAmountProperty in class LineItem

The item cost

$ Mandate#UserIdProperty in class Mandate

ID of the user to which this mandate belongs

$ MangoPayApi#UsersProperty in class MangoPayApi

Users methods

$ MangoPayApi#UboDeclarationsProperty in class MangoPayApi

Provides UBO declaration methods.

UboClass in namespace MangoPay
UboDeclarationClass in namespace MangoPay

UBO Declaration entity.

$ UboDeclaration#UserIdProperty in class UboDeclaration

The id of the user

$ UboDeclaration#UbosProperty in class UboDeclaration

Listed representations of natural users declared as UBOs.

UboDeclarationRefusedOrIncompleteReasonTypeClass in namespace MangoPay

Holds enumeration of possible reasons why a UBO declaration is refused or incomplete.

UboDeclarationRefusedReasonTypeClass in namespace MangoPay
UboDeclarationStatusClass in namespace MangoPay

Holds enumeration of possible UBO declaration status values.

UboRefusedReasonTypeClass in namespace MangoPay

Holds enumeration of reasons why declaration of a user as UBO was refused

UserClass in namespace MangoPay

User entity

$ User#UserCategoryProperty in class User

Category of user

UserBlockStatusClass in namespace MangoPay
UserCategoryClass in namespace MangoPay

User category for clients

UserLegalClass in namespace MangoPay

UserLegal entity

UserNaturalClass in namespace MangoPay

UserNatural entity

$ VirtualAccountAvailabilities#UserOwnedProperty in class VirtualAccountAvailabilities
  • @var VirtualAccountAvailability[]


ApiCards::ValidateCard() — Method in class ApiCards

Validate a card

ApiUsers::ValidateTheFormatOfUserData() — Method in class ApiUsers

This call allows you to check the validity of the format of a piece of user data, and to retrieve the validation rules applied to it.

$ Card#ValidityProperty in class Card

Validity. For allowed values, see constants in MangoPay\CardValidity

$ CardValidation#ValidityProperty in class CardValidation

Validity. For allowed values, see constants in MangoPay\CardValidity

$ CheckData#ValueProperty in class CheckData

The value of the data point.

$ CompanyNumber#ValidationRulesProperty in class CompanyNumber

Validation rules applied for a given country

$ Hook#ValidityProperty in class Hook
$ KeyValueArray#ValueProperty in class KeyValueArray

Value for tabular variable

$ MangoPayApi#VirtualAccountsProperty in class MangoPayApi

Provides VirtualAccount methods

VirtualAccountClass in namespace MangoPay

Virtual Account entity

$ VirtualAccount#VirtualAccountPurposeProperty in class VirtualAccount

The type of the virtual account Allowed values: COLLECTION, USER_OWNED

VirtualAccountAddressClass in namespace MangoPay
VirtualAccountAvailabilitiesClass in namespace MangoPay
VirtualAccountAvailabilityClass in namespace MangoPay
VirtualAccountCapabilitiesClass in namespace MangoPay
VirtualAccountOwnerClass in namespace MangoPay
VirtualAccountPurposeClass in namespace MangoPay
VirtualAccountStatusClass in namespace MangoPay

Virtual Account statuses


$ BankingAlias#WalletIdProperty in class BankingAlias

The ID of a wallet

$ FilterReports#WalletIdProperty in class FilterReports

Wallet ID

$ MangoPayApi#WalletsProperty in class MangoPayApi

Wallets methods

$ PayInExecutionDetailsExternalInstruction#WireReferenceProperty in class PayInExecutionDetailsExternalInstruction

Wire reference.

$ PayInPaymentDetailsBankWire#WireReferenceProperty in class PayInPaymentDetailsBankWire

Wire reference

$ VirtualAccount#WalletIdProperty in class VirtualAccount

The ID of the wallet

WalletClass in namespace MangoPay

Wallet entity


$ ApiBase#_rootProperty in class ApiBase

Root/parent instance that holds the OAuthToken and Configuration instance

ApiBase::__construct() — Method in class ApiBase

Constructor Root/parent instance that holds the OAuthToken and Configuration instance

AuthenticationHelper::__construct() — Method in class AuthenticationHelper

Constructor Root/parent instance that holds the OAuthToken and Configuration instance

AuthorizationTokenManager::__construct() — Method in class AuthorizationTokenManager

Constructor Root/parent instance that holds the OAuthToken and Configuration instance

DefaultStorageStrategy::__construct() — Method in class DefaultStorageStrategy
EntityBase::__construct() — Method in class EntityBase
Error::__toString() — Method in class Error

Return the stdClass error serialized as string

$ HttpBase#_rootProperty in class HttpBase

Root/parent instance that holds the OAuthToken and Configuration instance

HttpBase::__construct() — Method in class HttpBase
OAuthToken::__construct() — Method in class OAuthToken
ResponseException::__construct() — Method in class ResponseException
RestTool::__construct() — Method in class RestTool
UrlTool::__construct() — Method in class UrlTool

Constructor Root/parent instance that holds the OAuthToken and Configuration instance

MangoPayApi::__construct() — Method in class MangoPayApi
Pagination::__construct() — Method in class Pagination
RateLimit::__construct() — Method in class RateLimit

RateLimit constructor.

UserLegal::__construct() — Method in class UserLegal
UserNatural::__construct() — Method in class UserNatural