class CardPreAuthorization extends EntityBase (View source)

Pre-authorization entity


string $Id from  EntityBase
string $Tag from  EntityBase
int $CreationDate from  EntityBase
string $AuthorId

The user Id of the author of the pre-authorization

Money $DebitedFunds

It represents the amount debited on the bank account of the Author.DebitedFunds = Fees + CreditedFunds (amount received on wallet)

string $Status

Status of the PreAuthorization

string $PaymentStatus

The status of the payment after the PreAuthorization

string $ResultCode

The PreAuthorization result code

string $ResultMessage

The PreAuthorization result Message explaining the result code

string $StatementDescriptor

An optional value to be specified on the user's bank statement

string $ExecutionType

How the PreAuthorization has been executed.

string $SecureMode

The SecureMode correspond to '3D secure' for CB Visa and MasterCard or 'Amex Safe Key' for American Express.

string $CardId

The ID of the registered card (Got through CardRegistration object)

bool $SecureModeNeeded

Boolean. The value is 'true' if the SecureMode was used

string $SecureModeRedirectURL

This is the URL where to redirect users to proceed to 3D secure validation

string $SecureModeReturnURL

This is the URL where users are automatically redirected after 3D secure validation (if activated)

int $ExpirationDate

The date when the payment is processed

int $AuthorizationDate

The date when the payment was authorized

string $PaymentType

The type of pre-authorization ("CARD" is the only acceptable value at present

string $PayInId

The Id of the associated PayIn

Billing $Billing

Billing information

SecurityInfo $SecurityInfo

Security validation information

bool $MultiCapture

Boolean. The value is 'true' if the MultiCapture was used

Money $RemainingFunds RemainingFunds
string $IpAddress IpAddress
BrowserInfo $BrowserInfo BrowserInfo
Shipping $Shipping Shipping
string $Requested3DSVersion Requested3DSVersion
string $Applied3DSVersion Applied3DSVersion
object $CardInfo

Information of the card

string $PaymentCategory

Allowed values: ECommerce (default), TelephoneOrder



Get array with mapping which property is object and what type of object


Get array with mapping which property depends on other property To be overridden in child class if has any dependent objects.

from  Dto

Get array with read-only properties

__construct(string $id = null)



array GetSubObjects()

Get array with mapping which property is object and what type of object

Return Value


array GetDependsObjects()

Get array with mapping which property depends on other property To be overridden in child class if has any dependent objects.

Return Value


array GetReadOnlyProperties()

Get array with read-only properties

Return Value


__construct(string $id = null)



string $id

Entity identifier