class PayInPaymentDetailsPaypal extends Dto implements PayInPaymentDetails (View source)

Class represents PayPal type for mean of payment in PayIn entity


ShippingAddress deprecated $ShippingAddress

Address used instead of the user's PayPal account address.

string $PaypalBuyerAccountEmail

PayPal buyer's email account

string $StatementDescriptor

Custom description of the payment shown to the consumer when making payments and on the bank statement

Shipping $Shipping

User’s shipping address When not provided, the default address is the one register one the buyer PayPal account

array $LineItems

Information about the items bought by the customer

ShippingPreference $ShippingPreference

User’s shipping preference

string $Reference
string $CancelURL
string $PaypalPayerID
string $BuyerCountry
string $BuyerFirstname
string $BuyerLastname
string $BuyerPhone
string $PaypalOrderID
array $Trackings



Get array with mapping which property is object and what type of object.


Get array with mapping which property depends on other property To be overridden in child class if has any dependent objects.

from  Dto

Get array with read only properties - not used in response To be overridden in child class if has any read-only properties.

from  Dto


array GetSubObjects()

Get array with mapping which property is object and what type of object.

To be overridden in child class if has any sub objects.

Return Value


array GetDependsObjects()

Get array with mapping which property depends on other property To be overridden in child class if has any dependent objects.

Return Value


array GetReadOnlyProperties()

Get array with read only properties - not used in response To be overridden in child class if has any read-only properties.

Return Value
