abstract class ApiBase (View source)
Base class for MangoPay API managers
protected MangoPayApi | $_root | Root/parent instance that holds the OAuthToken and Configuration instance |
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Constructor Root/parent instance that holds the OAuthToken and Configuration instance
Get URL for REST Mango Pay API
Get request type for REST Mango Pay API
Create object in API
Get entity object from API
Get lst with entities object from API
Save object in API
Executes a POST request
Cast response object to an error object
Cast response object to entity object
Get array with request data
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protected mixed
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__construct(MangoPayApi $root)
Constructor Root/parent instance that holds the OAuthToken and Configuration instance
protected string
GetRequestUrl(string $key)
Get URL for REST Mango Pay API
protected RequestType
GetRequestType(string $key)
Get request type for REST Mango Pay API
protected object
CreateObject(string $methodKey, object $entity, object $responseClassName = null, string $entityId = null, $subEntityId = null, $idempotencyKey = null)
Create object in API
protected object
GetObject(string $methodKey, object $responseClassName, $firstEntityId = null, $secondEntityId = null, $thirdEntityId = null, $clientIdRequired = true)
Get entity object from API
protected object[]
GetList(string $methodKey, Pagination $pagination, object $responseClassName = null, string $entityId = null, object $filter = null, Sorting $sorting = null, $secondEntityId = null, $clientIdRequired = true)
Get lst with entities object from API
protected object
SaveObject(string $methodKey, object $entity, object $responseClassName = null, $secondEntityId = null, $thirdEntityId = null)
Save object in API
protected object
ExecutePostRequest($methodKey, $entity, $responseClassName, $entityId = null)
Executes a POST request
protected Error
CastResponseToError(object $response)
Cast response object to an error object
CastResponseToEntity(object $response, string $entityClassName, $asDependentObject = false)
Cast response object to entity object
protected array
BuildRequestData(object $entity)
Get array with request data
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