class PayInPaymentDetailsSwish extends Dto implements PayInPaymentDetails (View source)

Class represents Giropay type for mean of payment in Giropay entity


string $DeepLinkURL

The mobile URL to which to redirect the user to complete the payment in an app-to-app flow.

string $QRCodeURL

The PNG file of the Swish QR code as a Base64-encoded string.

string $PaymentFlow

Allowed values: WEB, APP

Default value: WEB

The platform environment of the post-payment flow. The PaymentFlow value combines with the ReturnURL to manage the redirection behavior after payment:

Set the value to APP to send the user to your platform’s mobile app

Set the value to WEB to send the user to a web browser

In both cases you need to provide the relevant ReturnURL, whether to your app or website.

string $StatementDescriptor

Custom description to show on the user's bank statement.



Get array with mapping which property is object and what type of object.

from  Dto

Get array with mapping which property depends on other property To be overridden in child class if has any dependent objects.

from  Dto

Get array with read only properties - not used in response To be overridden in child class if has any read-only properties.

from  Dto


array GetSubObjects()

Get array with mapping which property is object and what type of object.

To be overridden in child class if has any sub objects.

Return Value


array GetDependsObjects()

Get array with mapping which property depends on other property To be overridden in child class if has any dependent objects.

Return Value


array GetReadOnlyProperties()

Get array with read only properties - not used in response To be overridden in child class if has any read-only properties.

Return Value
