class ApiClients extends ApiBase (View source)
Class to management MangoPay API for users
protected MangoPayApi | $_root | Root/parent instance that holds the OAuthToken and Configuration instance |
from ApiBase |
Constructor Root/parent instance that holds the OAuthToken and Configuration instance
Create object in API
Get entity object from API
Get lst with entities object from API
Save object in API
Executes a POST request
Cast response object to entity object
Upload a logo for client.
Upload a logo for client from file.
View your client wallets. To see your fees or credit wallets for each currency set second $fundsType parameter.
View one of your client wallets (fees or credit) with a particular currency.
View the transactions linked to your client wallets (fees and credit)
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protected mixed
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__construct(MangoPayApi $root)
Constructor Root/parent instance that holds the OAuthToken and Configuration instance
protected string
GetRequestUrl(string $key)
Get URL for REST Mango Pay API
protected RequestType
GetRequestType(string $key)
Get request type for REST Mango Pay API
protected object
CreateObject(string $methodKey, object $entity, object $responseClassName = null, string $entityId = null, $subEntityId = null, $idempotencyKey = null)
Create object in API
protected object
GetObject(string $methodKey, object $responseClassName, $firstEntityId = null, $secondEntityId = null, $thirdEntityId = null, $clientIdRequired = true)
Get entity object from API
protected object[]
GetList(string $methodKey, Pagination $pagination, object $responseClassName = null, string $entityId = null, object $filter = null, Sorting $sorting = null, $secondEntityId = null, $clientIdRequired = true)
Get lst with entities object from API
protected object
SaveObject(string $methodKey, object $entity, object $responseClassName = null, $secondEntityId = null, $thirdEntityId = null)
Save object in API
protected object
ExecutePostRequest($methodKey, $entity, $responseClassName, $entityId = null)
Executes a POST request
protected Error
CastResponseToError(object $response)
Cast response object to an error object
CastResponseToEntity(object $response, string $entityClassName, $asDependentObject = false)
Cast response object to entity object
protected array
BuildRequestData(object $entity)
Get array with request data
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Get client information
UploadLogo(ClientLogoUpload $logoUpload, string|null $idempotencyKey = null)
Upload a logo for client.
Only GIF, PNG, JPG, JPEG, BMP, PDF and DOC formats are accepted, and file must be less than about 7MB
UploadLogoFromFile(string $file, $idempotencyKey = null)
Upload a logo for client from file.
Only GIF, PNG, JPG, JPEG, BMP, PDF and DOC formats are accepted, and file must be less than about 7MB
GetWallets(FundsType $fundsType = null, Sorting $sorting = null)
View your client wallets. To see your fees or credit wallets for each currency set second $fundsType parameter.
GetWallet(FundsType $fundsType, CurrencyIso $currencyIso)
View one of your client wallets (fees or credit) with a particular currency.
GetWalletTransactions(FundsType $fundsType = null, CurrencyIso $currencyIso = null, Pagination $pagination = null, FilterTransactions $filter = null)
View the transactions linked to your client wallets (fees and credit)
CreateBankAccount($bankAccount, $idempotencyKey = null)
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CreatePayOut($payOut, $idempotencyKey = null)
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