
Thrown when the driver fails to authenticate with the server.

Thrown when a command fails

Thrown when the driver fails to establish a database connection within a specified time limit (e.g. connectTimeoutMS).

Base class for exceptions thrown during client-side encryption.

Thrown when a query or command fails to complete within a specified time limit (e.g. maxTimeMS).

Thrown when the driver fails to establish an SSL connection with the server.

WriteException deprecated

Base class for exceptions thrown by a failed write operation.


Common interface for all driver exceptions. This may be used to catch only exceptions originating from the driver itself.


Thrown when a bulk write operation fails.

Base class for exceptions thrown when the driver fails to establish a database connection.

Thrown when a driver method is given invalid arguments (e.g. invalid option types).

Thrown when the driver is incorrectly used (e.g. rewinding a cursor).

Thrown when the driver encounters a runtime error (e.g. internal error from ยป libmongoc).

Base class for exceptions thrown by the server. The code of this exception and its subclasses will correspond to the original error code from the server.

Thrown when the driver encounters an unexpected value (e.g. during BSON serialization or deserialization).