

The BulkWrite collects one or more write operations that should be sent to the server.

The MongoDB\Driver\ClientEncryption class handles creation of data keys for client-side encryption, as well as manually encrypting and decrypting values.

The MongoDB\Driver\Command class is a value object that represents a database command.

The MongoDB\Driver\Cursor class encapsulates the results of a MongoDB command or query and may be returned by MongoDB\Driver\Manager::executeCommand() or MongoDB\Driver\Manager::executeQuery(), respectively.

Class CursorId

The MongoDB\Driver\Manager is the main entry point to the extension. It is responsible for maintaining connections to MongoDB (be it standalone server, replica set, or sharded cluster).

The MongoDB\Driver\Query class is a value object that represents a database query.

MongoDB\Driver\ReadConcern controls the level of isolation for read operations for replica sets and replica set shards. This option requires the WiredTiger storage engine and MongoDB 3.2 or later.

Class ReadPreference

Class Session

WriteConcern controls the acknowledgment of a write operation, specifies the level of write guarantee for Replica Sets.

The MongoDB\Driver\WriteConcernError class encapsulates information about a write concern error and may be returned by MongoDB\Driver\WriteResult::getWriteConcernError().

The MongoDB\Driver\WriteError class encapsulates information about a write error and may be returned as an array element from MongoDB\Driver\WriteResult::getWriteErrors().

The MongoDB\Driver\WriteResult class encapsulates information about an executed MongoDB\Driver\BulkWrite and may be returned by MongoDB\Driver\Manager::executeBulkWrite().


This interface is implemented by MongoDB\Driver\Cursor but may also be used for type-hinting and userland classes.