final class EvEmbed extends EvWatcher (View source)

Class EvEmbed

Used to embed one event loop into another.


bool $is_active from  EvWatcher
bool $is_pending from  EvWatcher
mixed $data from  EvWatcher
int $priority from  EvWatcher
EvLoop $embed


__construct(EvLoop $other, callable $callback, mixed $data = null, int $priority = 0)

Constructs the EvEmbed object.


Clear watcher pending status.

feed(int $revents)

Feeds the given revents set into the event loop.


Returns the loop responsible for the watcher.

invoke(int $revents)

Invokes the watcher callback with the given received events bit mask.

keepalive(bool $value = true)

Configures whether to keep the loop from returning.

setCallback(callable $callback)

Sets new callback for the watcher.


Starts the watcher.


Stops the watcher.

set(EvLoop $other)

Configures the watcher.


Make a single, non-blocking sweep over the embedded loop.

static EvEmbed
createStopped(EvLoop $other, mixed $callback, mixed $data = null, int $priority = 0)

Create stopped EvEmbed watcher object


__construct(EvLoop $other, callable $callback, mixed $data = null, int $priority = 0)

Constructs the EvEmbed object.

This is a rather advanced watcher type that lets to embed one event loop into another(currently only IO events are supported in the embedded loop, other types of watchers might be handled in a delayed or incorrect fashion and must not be used).

See the libev documentation for details.

This watcher is most useful on BSD systems without working kqueue to still be able to handle a large number of sockets.


EvLoop $other

The loop to embed, this loop must be embeddable(see Ev::embeddableBackends()).

callable $callback
mixed $data
int $priority

int clear()

Clear watcher pending status.

If the watcher is pending, this method clears its pending status and returns its revents bitset (as if its callback was invoked). If the watcher isn't pending it does nothing and returns 0.

Sometimes it can be useful to "poll" a watcher instead of waiting for its callback to be invoked, which can be accomplished with this function.

Return Value


In case if the watcher is pending, returns revents bitset as if the watcher callback had been invoked. Otherwise returns 0 .

feed(int $revents)

Feeds the given revents set into the event loop.

Feeds the given revents set into the event loop, as if the specified event had happened for the watcher.


int $revents

Bit mask of watcher received events.

EvLoop getLoop()

Returns the loop responsible for the watcher.

Return Value


Event loop object responsible for the watcher.

invoke(int $revents)

Invokes the watcher callback with the given received events bit mask.


int $revents

Bit mask of watcher received events.

keepalive(bool $value = true)

Configures whether to keep the loop from returning.

Configures whether to keep the loop from returning. With keepalive value set to FALSE the watcher won't keep Ev::run() / EvLoop::run() from returning even though the watcher is active.

Watchers have keepalive value TRUE by default.

Clearing keepalive status is useful when returning from Ev::run() / EvLoop::run() just because of the watcher is undesirable. It could be a long running UDP socket watcher or so.


bool $value

With keepalive value set to FALSE the watcher won't keep Ev::run() / EvLoop::run() from returning even though the watcher is active.

setCallback(callable $callback)

Sets new callback for the watcher.


callable $callback

void callback ([ object $watcher = NULL [, int $revents = NULL ]] )


Starts the watcher.

Marks the watcher as active. Note that only active watchers will receive events.


Stops the watcher.

Marks the watcher as inactive. Note that only active watchers will receive events.

set(EvLoop $other)

Configures the watcher.


EvLoop $other

The loop to embed, this loop must be embeddable(see Ev::embeddableBackends()).


Make a single, non-blocking sweep over the embedded loop.

final static EvEmbed createStopped(EvLoop $other, mixed $callback, mixed $data = null, int $priority = 0)

Create stopped EvEmbed watcher object

The same as EvEmbed::__construct() , but doesn't start the watcher automatically.


EvLoop $other

The loop to embed, this loop must be embeddable(see Ev::embeddableBackends()).

mixed $callback
mixed $data
int $priority

Return Value
