class VARIANT (View source)
The VARIANT is COM's equivalent of the PHP zval; it is a structure that can contain a value with a range of different possible types. The VARIANT class provided by the COM extension allows you to have more control over the way that PHP passes values to and from COM.
__construct(mixed $value = null, int $type = VT_EMPTY, int $codepage = CP_ACP)
(PHP 4 >= 4.1.0, PHP 5, PHP 7)
COM class constructor.
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__set($name, $value)
No description
__call($name, $args)
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__construct(mixed $value = null, int $type = VT_EMPTY, int $codepage = CP_ACP)
(PHP 4 >= 4.1.0, PHP 5, PHP 7)
COM class constructor.
No description
__set($name, $value)
No description
__call($name, $args)
No description